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Sled Dog / Weight pulling Teams for Lease

<span style="color:indigo">I have roughly ten fully trained sled dog teams sitting around that I am willing to lease to anyone wanting to use them (some are being held in side kennels). My only stipulations on it are as follows:<br><br>- They are to be shown ONLY in mushing or weight pulling<br><br>- I will not allow you to breed them<br><br>- Grooming and mood are expected to be kept within a reasonable range<br><br>I may suggest a certain dog as the leader, but you don't have to place him or her in the lead position. It's just the way I've seen certain teams show better. I have Regional, Novice, and several Junior teams available for lease (I will be picky on who I lease Junior teams out to, though). The teams will be leased in groups of four, as I would like to keep them all together. They may be shown in either weight pulling or mushing. Please contact me if you are interested in leasing them. <br><br>Thanks,<br><br>~Sennica</span>
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