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Account linking and other popular topics of mine...

Ok, since everyone thinks that the idea is really, REALLY good, I made it it's own thread ince the only exposure it's had is when it's brought up in other threads.<br><br>My idea was to make it possible for sponsors to link kennels together, there would be an option in the managent section where you would enter the plyer number you would like to link and to enter the password for that account. Obvioulsy only sponsors would be allowed to do it because novices can't have more than one account.<br><br>This is would also be great for "sponsoring" novices if Neffers ever decided to make novices accounts expire after a certain amount of time. Another popular suggestion of mine ^_^ I'm such a ham.<br><br>Clarification: I meant the novice accounts expiring was my idea, the "sponsoring other novices" thing was someone else's idea. Mage came up with the idea of sponsors "sponsoring" novices that they feel shouldn't have their accounts expire and take responsibility for whatever actions those novices take. Like if I sponsored a novice, and that person broke the rules in some way or another, not only would the novice get reprimanded but I would get a warning too, to either make sure it doesn't happen again, or to unlink the novice from my sponsor kennel if I can't keep them under control.<br><br>Oh wait... I did come up with that idea, Mage just suggested the term... I'm an idiot...<br><br>I have a couple other suggestions that are scattered to different threads so I may as well add them here. Sable and I agree that there should be a "slot system" for users. If you haven't read my thread on it then I"ll explain it now. I've noticed on other games that sponsor and non-sponsor accounts are treated very differently. One game in particular, like VHR this game locks out non paying players if the number of users online at once exceeds a preset amount.<br><br>There would be an unlimited number of paying users online at once and a certain number of spots open for non paying players to join. Once all the spots were filled, no more non paying players could log in till another one logged out.<br><br>So there it is, you dragged it out of me.<br><br>*edited because I forgot to clearify on stuff ^_^*<br>*edited again because I'm an idiot*


  • For once in my life I agree with everything someone else said. ;)
  • I think this would be a great idea!
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Whoo! Support!<br><br>The linking kennels idea would work great for sponsor time too, so sponsors don't get locked out of their novice kennels. That is if Nef decides to do sponsor time again.
  • Agreed on all accounts. It woul dgive the game a bit more depth and -encourage- Sponsors to help out Novieces. :) Help some of these kids to learn the ins and Outs of the game. :D <br><br>Youse is some Smrt nitra. ;) *chuckles*<br><br>I know of several other online games that do similar instances where paying memebrs get unlimited amount of online time. Free users get a short time span, limited turns, and/or get locked out after a certain user-limit is exceeded.<br><br>I'd list em, but I don't think I should or need to. ;)
  • Agreeable :D<br><br>
    The linking kennels idea would work great for sponsor time too, so sponsors don't get locked out of their novice kennels. That is if Nef decides to do sponsor time again.
    <br><br>Ya'll can't count how many times I've asked for sponser time this week >.>
    back for a bitt. =D
  • You are my heroine. (See the 'e' on the end? Very important!) So, where do we vote? Can you put more than one poll on a thread? 'cause we gots more 'n one thing to vote on :lol: <br><br>I have an addition to the 'slots' idea. If the numbers of people online at a time is restricted, there needs to be a way to 'time out' players who aren't actively playing. So, if somebody hasn't done something in 30 minutes, say, they get logged off and somebody else gets the slot. Otherwise, some people will stay logged on all day just to keep from losing their slots.
    Guardian Angels
    Well, my dog loves me.
  • lmao I wish we could, unless I just slip this thread up... but that's a PITA, everyone so far seems to agree with everything listed anyway.
  • Well the only one I don't like is novice accounts expiring because it's just going to make a lot more abandoned kennels taking up space and people will just make new ones the minute their old one expires anyway...
  • WoS wrote:
    Well the only one I don't like is novice accounts expiring because it's just going to make a lot more abandoned kennels taking up space and people will just make new ones the minute their old one expires anyway...
    <br><br>Ah yes, but then she could just set them to auto delete after a certain amount of time. It could also clear out the already abandoned ones.
  • I like the ideas, but wait a while before acting on them. Mabey you will get more feedback. It would also give novices a heads up. But again very nice. :D
  • lol and if the linking goes in and sponsers were 'away' and they didn't link their novice kennels it'd be a mess when they came back and all their dogs were deleted..(i.e. like the rescues were). Not saying it's right or that's what I think should happen, but from things in the past that's what would probably happen. <br><br>What would happen to the dogs on deleted kennels?<br><br>(Sorry I lost everything on VHR because some OP decided I hadn't logged in enough and deleted all my horses so I'm a bit paranoid). <br><br>*edited* Because I'll change my opinion, if that sponsering novices idea went in then that'd be alright I guess..just would make a lot of novices hound sponsers to do it for them.
  • I just see people making a bazillion more accounts whenever their old one is going to expire and then that encourages them to make more and get more money and such<br><br>Sorry, there, Jinxx said I needed to say it short and to the point and there you have it. And if you did some kind of IP lock you'd lose those people forever because they could never get in to upgrade if they went away for a while and came back.
  • Wait when did timing out novices get thrown into the idead? Did you edit ND? *has to go reread*<br><br>I'm like 99% sure Nef said there's lots of physical server space so accounts taking up memory is no biggie, at least for the moment. I don't see any reason to delete old accounts. Especially if instead you could let the sponsor rescues rescue the dogs out. Just not sponsor acocunts. Since you paid for a year of having dogs and etc.<br><br>Though maybe empty accounts still on day 1 could be deleted after a certain amount of time?<br>Basically made and never touched.
  • Gah, I knew there was something I left out... When the novices accounts expire, and they log into it it would automatically bring them to the upgrade screen and they would be allowed to go anywhere else. What I was thinking about an IP thing, that could prevent novices who's accounts are expired to create new kennels. Like if you get banned from the site, they ban you comepletely using an IP ban, set it up so that any account created after the IP expires and isn't being "sponsored" by a sponsor player to bring them directly to the upgrade screen.<br><br>If they don't upgrade, then both accounts get deleted, in say in 3 to 6 month intervals, like an automatic thing so no one has to go through a list and see which ones have been inactive.
  • <br>Clarification: I meant the novice accounts expiring was my idea, the "sponsoring other novices" thing was someone else's idea. Mage came up with the idea of sponsors "sponsoring" novices that they feel shouldn't have their accounts expire and take responsibility for whatever actions those novices take. Like if I sponsored a novice, and that person broke the rules in some way or another, not only would the novice get reprimanded but I would get a warning too, to either make sure it doesn't happen again, or to unlink the novice from my sponsor kennel if I can't keep them under control.<br><br>Oh wait... I did come up with that idea, Mage just suggested the term... I'm an idiot...<br><br>
    <br><br>Yeah, but you're my idiot. *pats Nitty*<br><br>Anyway, on Sponsors sponsoring novices. I was thinking that Sponsors would automatically have their 10 novice kennels linked, but have maybe 2 or 3 special extra links just for sponsering their chosen novices. However, I think a limit needs to be made on that, such as only one Sponsor account per IP (or player) can sponsor a group of novices. <br><br>Otherwise, you'll get the people who have more than one Sponsor account all sponsoring their novice friend's (not a bad thing on it's own) possibly multiple novice kennels (which would be bad) which would then all be secure from expiring. While perhaps maintaining 1 legit set of novices as their aid. <br><br>There is no way to make a foolproof system, and I'm not trying suggest one, but that might be a problem that could be curbed by limiting how many novices a Sponsor could sponsor outside of their own linked kennels.<br><br>Other than that mention I wanted to make. Everything looks great here Nitty!
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • IP bannign doesn't work if they are at school. You'd have to 'blanket ban' and ten some users who were either sponsors, or new novices might get banned too.<br><br>One of teh things I came across as an Admin for an online grahgic chat, was the issue of AOL users. I don't know if they've ever fixed the issue that some AOL users would have an almost identical IP addy..., and they would live on opposite sides of the coast.
  • Would the sponsering thing become a part of the perks of a sponser kennel? If so it wouldn't be right to limit only to one sponser kennel per IP if they're 'paying' for the right as part of their sponser.<br><br>Actually maybe make it so the sponser or novice has to pay a 'fee' to be helped by a sponser like that...that could curb abuse of it.
  • I think that the 3-month thing is a good idea, but, how do you get sponsers to notice you? I have been trying to get some opinions from sponsers (not stupid things like 'who's the best stud to breed my dog to??')<br>and I usually get the cold shoulder. (Bravo to Squall who actually gave me advice that worked!!) and also, I think it would impact the game alot if this happens. Look at Nitara's post on this to see why I think so.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • You just have to find the right people, I'm always in chat, and there's plenty of novice helper groups. I'm always willing to give advice to those who ask for it, I just don't respond to requests for training that are unsolicitated. Most of the time I just reply that I'm not training for the public at that particular time, although that's generally the truth.
  • do you plan on showing this idea to nef any time soon because I think you should becasue they are really good ideas :D
  • Within the next week or so, I was waiting for others to post suggestions or to see any flaws in my suggestions before I showed them to her.
  • well I thik your ideas are great :D
  • Maybe, just so everyone can play, there could be I dunno, like, levels or something. So at level one, all the 'hot-date' players are together as they never try to pass through the 'hot-date' stage. Then their is the 'I'm just learning vp, but I really like' stage, were people serious about the game can learn it and get a feel for playing it. Then the next stage is 'I am very good at vp-but I'm a novice-' stage. Here is where the sponsers can pick up the people they want to do the foster thingy (sorry, I'm not in a very technical mood today).<br><br> This way sponsers would'nt have novices bothering them, and novices could'nt claim that sponsers are always treating them like ####.<br><br>Good idea? Bad idea? It's my idea!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • 1. I have no idea what yo're talking about<br>and<br>2. Why would you use mask cursing on an OPs thread? That's just asking to be reported...
  • Sorry. I just think that if you were a novice, you would probably feel like I do. I can't get caht :cry:
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • I think your idea is great Nitty... now that I'm going to be getting a sponsor soon, when I first saw this idea (in the origanel thread) I had no hope of getting a sponsor, so I was pretty scared! But I still thought it was good, but in the way that you know that this would be good but you don't want it because of it's effect on you? My question is though, what about the novices who've already been playing for over three months, would it all go into affect with a three month warning or just, Boom! Your accounts frozen?
  • I'm hoping within the three month warning, if Nef even does it at all. Most of the novices on now have at least one sponsor buddy. So if any or all of this is put into play, they won't have much to worry about.
  • Okay, hope she does :D
  • i like the sonsor novice thing<br>and even though i may not be a sponsor yet... thats souns like a cool ide!!<br>i kinda like the slot htingy where there was a limited ammount of players but then again, theres different time zones and i could just be able to get on when all the slots r taken and it'll be annoying when i cant get on and i cant train my dogs and be relieble to my services
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