mines long..<br>but its redish brown<br>with blonde peek-a-boos in random places..<br>and a big one under my bangs so it shows through...<br>i have really layered hair. and its thiner on bottom than the top<br>with a lot of bangs
Mines about neck-length, layers abundant, and has chunks of arctic blonde in it.
"I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
Semper Fi.
*steals buffy and moonys hair*<br><br>mines brown with red and blonde highlights<br><br>i want to get more red highlights and go a couple shades lighter<br>and get it trimmed<br><br>it looks bad because i have two cats and a goat that like to chew on my hair
<br><br>You look different than I thought you looked xD<br><br>Then again, I am not very original with my -picturing people in my head-.<br><br><br>I have strawberry blonde hair, cut in layers, with short-er- bangs, but I can still fit all my hair into a high ponytail (which is where I usually keep it). A little ways past my shoulders. But my hair is dull... I suggest you don't try my style.
Right now, mine's strawberry blonde, down to my chest...a little bit wavy from the humidity. Nothing too extrordinary. The dye is growing out though and my roots are showing bad (dirty blonde). But I'm hoping the dye grows out sooner than later, because I want to re-dye it purple again. My purple hair was awesome XD Better than the blue and red. I was thinking about cutting the right side to make bangs of sorts...but I decided not to.
erm? thanks for all describing your hair styles and things.<br><br>but i need help with styles i could have maybe?<br><br>i.e its not a post what type of hair u have post.<br>its a help any ideas on what i can have done with my hair?
Actually my hair is about your color but a bit lighter color. If you still haven't picked a color, I dyed mine a dark red. It looked really neat because when the sun hit it, you could really see red but it wasn't like shocking bright red.<br><br>Maybe get your hair short to about near the armpit. I like how you have your hair angled to the side. Maybe you should ask whoever does your hair. Normally they have suggestions on how your hair should be cut by the way you part and want to care for it.
Semper Fi.