first off i like your general style and think the banners are cool now on to the constructive critique of what could be changed to bring them to 110% (i know i got these errors general on my own as well, they aint large but pending on mood things you can fix up if you want every detail to be perfect, while not grave enough to really bother with if dont feel like it)<br><br>1, you either erased some shade or missed some as it is not continious around the wolf, and move the botom black txt a wee bit to the left so the last letter aint caugth in the shade<br><br>2, rigth hand siting dog, again make the shade continious -> you missed a large area of green between the ears, on the figthing dogs the one most to the rigth, extend the shade of the most rigth hand front leg all the way down so the shade dont look like a cut of limb<br><br>3, maybe or maybe not, not sure, but posible you could fade the white a little due to the ligthness of the other txt, it wouldnt disrupt as much the contrast between them is sort of iffy so if you soften the white a little by fading it...migth look better...not sure on that one<br><br>4, same as 3<br><br>5, cant see anything <br><br>6, posible and only posible you could add a screened txt layer, it may make the txt stand more out, but it may also make it less contrasted so hard to know<br><br>7, migth just be me, i get what your trying to do with the diff font for the word best, but it looks sort of disruptive to the flow<br><br>8, i'd remove the background from around the dog totaly, if you want a shine or fade make one in only one color, the background to noisy to use for that here<br><br>9, lift the silvery name just a tad, its so low you have a hard time seeing wheter the botom of the G been cut or not<br><br>10, cant see anything<br><br>and lastly dont fret, these are just for one my opinons, and as already said detail work if you want for your own sake to go to 110, they aint overly notisable, but if you go looking for them and know whats posible and not, having worked some with things then you may see them, just wanted to see if i could spot something since you where looking for backfeed for asumable help to see potential alternative changes *s*