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edited June 2008 in General Discussion
So, this morning, my dog was driving me nuts, so I decided to take her for a hike...<br><br>That was NOT the brightest idea O.o When I went back in the woods, the path I walk on was totally overgrown @.@ There were weeds as tall as me, and I'm over 5 ft tall so those are so big weeds.<br><br>Now I have all kinds of scratches and stuff on my legs D;


  • Psh, Jazz, you aught to know better :lol: Down by the creek, I cant go on any of my trails because its overgrown with the thornbushes and everything. I end up getting tangled x.X<br><br>Heh, I would say mow it, but I dont think its your property..?
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I take it it was Jazz-the-Spazz? x3 Poor Jazz-the-Spazz-Human..
  • I'd be too afraid of ticks to walk in overgrown anything o.o Did you check yourself after?<br><br>I'd put some triple antibiotic ointment on the scratches, it'll help them heal better and not get infected :D
  • Yeah, I checked for ticks :D I did put ointment on them.<br><br>Dreamy, thanks for your support xD And yes, it was Jazz-the-spazz-dog.
  • Does she walk with or without a leash? Bella's improving with other dogs so we might take her to this one park some time with hiking paths and water near by to walk with her for a few hours. :D
  • In my world, it's Sadie the Spazz.<br><br>Pepper the Spazz is also nessecary, but it doesn't start with the same letter.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I love hiking. <br>I bet your dog liked it more than you 8)
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
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