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Anime Lineart

edited July 2008 in Artist Alley
You may remember my sketch but if you it is:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Well I tried a different lineart technique than my normal way and I think I like this better. I know there are mistakes but this is my first time trying it this way.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Uh if you want to color go right ahead. xP I am not sure if I want to attempt it but I may. I shall think about it. lol.


  • Wow Tarnish!<br>You did an excellent job on that lineart!<br>o.o
  • Thanks! Gotta love Gimp! <br><br>I think I will try and color but not in Gimp. I guess I will try photoshop. I only have the base color of the hair. ;P
  • you drew over the lines in gimp, or you made it extract it by usage of filters/layers or something?
  • I used the path tool in gimp. So I did basically draw the lines. I hate the pen tool and trying to just line it free hand on my tablet. I used to just take a brush and line but the lines were shaky.
  • i\ll have to find some time to fiddle with that then, its one of those tools i dont use very much, however i have lately start using airbrush coloring in manips so can turn out usefull to make "drawings" to color without 1000 lines in them as is what i got today using a filter to convert :? so yeah thank you *s*
  • Tarn needs to lineart my sketches xD<br><br>What colors? I may try... since I have nothing to color since Im too lazy to draw xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Dark red hair and blue eyes but the rest can be other colors. <br><br>I am bored so go ahead and send some sketches. I can line if you want.
  • sorry for hoging tread, if you are willing and rather would i could pm you, i get the use of drawing around with the pathtool, what i do not get is how by doing this you are able to turn it into hard black lines <br><br>i'd love some more description of the process, or a tutorial on it, i tried looking for them but those i did find didnt help me :S so i am still stuck with using manipulation to extract lines, i worked with gimp over 2 maybe even close on 3.5 years, cant remember exactly so my manip skills pretty alrigth as such not a problem in itself, but i like to have different solutions to how things can be done
  • O.o does tarnish sell anime drawings? buffeh shall so buy if you do!!! :lol:
  • Tanitsja wrote:
    sorry for hoging tread, if you are willing and rather would i could pm you, i get the use of drawing around with the pathtool, what i do not get is how by doing this you are able to turn it into hard black lines <br><br>i'd love some more description of the process, or a tutorial on it, i tried looking for them but those i did find didnt help me :S so i am still stuck with using manipulation to extract lines, i worked with gimp over 2 maybe even close on 3.5 years, cant remember exactly so my manip skills pretty alrigth as such not a problem in itself, but i like to have different solutions to how things can be done
    <br><br>I actually didn't use a tutorial. I just figured it out. But when you make a path you look at the box with all the paths and right click on it to stroke it. Sorry but I am not great with explaining things.<br><br><br>And thanks everyone. I am surprised people like it. :D
  • no that actualy helped lol, i see it and figured it out...the things with tutorials they are often in a very pro language forgeting that they where once new and not obviously jumping colusions for the options within things, someone still learning or still figuring it out think on these things more likely when explaining, specialy if self thougth so they had to figure out the same obsticles themself<br><br>so sometimes it dont take more then what you said above to unriddle the whole thing...i tried moving it on the edit design stuff and such and had merely overlooked the push butons bellow where it said stroke ;) hearing the word made me look for it and obviously find it ;)<br><br>oh and as a help back, if you made your own sig, the new version of gimp is better on making smooth txt, it fails now and again, but most 99% of the time the txt come out way better then in older version (i updated mine a couple months back and was trilled that they had fixed it up)
  • mehhh<br>i wanna color it<br>^^ lol

  • Hmm its a huge improvement from previous ones and I shall leave my pointers out of this one unless you want some :wink: Overall great job Tarn Tarn
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
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