<span style="font-size:75">Well, there are a lot of<br>New people on VP Forums<br>and a lot of people who used to play<br>But no one remembers<br>And there are a lot of posts<br>Of people needing to know who their friends are<br>But, there aren't any posts of people trying to get to know someone<br>When someone comes back to VP<br>all their <span style="font-style:italic">friends </span>greet them<br><br>So, I just figured, why not have an actualy conversation. Where you can post a little bit bout yourself & what you do on VP. <br><br>Ok, I'll go first, and you can get an idea of what i mean xD<br><br>Well, when I first started, I used the name DarknessLies everywhere, and even after my kennel name changed over -and- over again, I just kept the name. I got many nicknames [Darky, Darkykins etc etc] <span style="font-weight:bold">Most days</span> I'm an alright person to be around.<br>Basically, I'm just here to train and make people smile/laugh. Which is why I get lotsa PM's/messages with people's problem [VP THERAPIST] lmao. <br>But for real, I train -a lot- and I'm pretty well known for it. A lot of people ask me to train for them. <br><br>So yeah, basically something like that. Please, no chat speak on here
<br><br>But, this will be so new people won't feel left out,<br>Older players can get back into it<br>And you can also meet new friends :]</span>
Semper Fi.
I'm Back!
Semper Fi.