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An Actual Conversation

<span style="font-size:75">Well, there are a lot of<br>New people on VP Forums<br>and a lot of people who used to play<br>But no one remembers<br>And there are a lot of posts<br>Of people needing to know who their friends are<br>But, there aren't any posts of people trying to get to know someone<br>When someone comes back to VP<br>all their <span style="font-style:italic">friends </span>greet them<br><br>So, I just figured, why not have an actualy conversation. Where you can post a little bit bout yourself & what you do on VP. <br><br>Ok, I'll go first, and you can get an idea of what i mean xD<br><br>Well, when I first started, I used the name DarknessLies everywhere, and even after my kennel name changed over -and- over again, I just kept the name. I got many nicknames [Darky, Darkykins etc etc] <span style="font-weight:bold">Most days</span> I'm an alright person to be around.<br>Basically, I'm just here to train and make people smile/laugh. Which is why I get lotsa PM's/messages with people's problem [VP THERAPIST] lmao. <br>But for real, I train -a lot- and I'm pretty well known for it. A lot of people ask me to train for them. <br><br>So yeah, basically something like that. Please, no chat speak on here :\ <br><br>But, this will be so new people won't feel left out,<br>Older players can get back into it<br>And you can also meet new friends :]</span>


  • <span style="font-size:75">Hey! Im SunnyDaysDontLie, or originally Jazzie8.<br>When I first started, I got banned -many- times because I spoke my opinion (several times, and I still do, but not as mean). Im an OK person to be around, but I hate chatspeak, and like everyone, I have my good and bad days.<br><br>Some nicknames I have are Sunny, SunnyD, SDDL, Sunneh(most commen), and JazziePants(given to me by Kibbeh D: ).<br><br>Im a person you can come to to vent things that you cant post in the Vent section, and although it seems like I have no feelings, I do. I just state my opinion. I get irritated sometimes (when I get no coffee in the morning..), and just stay clear when it seems like im irritated.<br><br>I dont play the game, just the forum, as I think it builds writing skills. Expecially RPG's, which I <3. (Of course, if you use chatspeak your not gaining anything whatsoever..)<br><br>I usually wont talk if you use chatspeak in every sentance you type. So, if you wont get an answer from me and you use chatspeak, thats why.<br><br>Other than that, I am a nice, outgoing person (I love socks xD), and I tend to obsess over Twilight, but just PM me if you do to.<br><br>Meh, I love to write. I am a pretty creative person, and I love to write poems, but I have to have an insparation (which usually only happens once a year, unfortunitly)<br><br>If you need to contact me, I have AIM and, Im on here from ~8:30AM- 9:30 pm every day. I am always open to new friends.</span>
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • <span style="font-size:75">Hey there, my name is Jazz and I have a zillion nicknames, such as Jazzeh, Jazzie, Jazzy, Jazzles, Jazzehpoo, Jazzehsun (lmao), and I think that's most of the common ones... I have more but no one uses them anymore.<br><br>Mostly I'm a nice person, it takes a lot to get me mad, but I'm also a total spazz and am really hyper, so I can be weird a lot xD <br><br>I don't do a lot on the game much anymore, but I have -counts- 3 sponsors, plus I share one, so I guess 4. I mostly play forums though.<br><br>I have a super creative mind, I love making banners and stuff... <br><br>I also love the Twilight series, and vampire books in general, so if you like those, you've pretty much got a guaranteed friend XD<br><br>I love meeting new people so PM me and we can get to know each other :D</span>
  • edited June 2008
    <span style="font-size:75">Hi, I'm Kelsey and I've played VP for about 2 years now. :D One thing you -must- know about me is that I make a lot of typo's, so please forgive me. :P<br><br>I love to meet new people and make then feel welcome in VP.<br><br>Nicknames for me are just Kelsey and Kels, because my name is ebil. :twisted:<br><br>I love to read, especially Fablehaven books. I am reading the firstTwilight book, but I'm not ob sessed with it as AHEM! Mrs. I'mObsessedWithTwilight AKA Sunneh. :roll: <br><br>*EDIT* I love Rascal Flatts :D <3<br><br>So, yep that's me. :D<br></span>
    I'm Back!
  • I've played for only a year and have over 4,000 posts, so I guess Im a talkitive person >.><br><br>Same here. If your obsessed with Twilight, then youve got a friend xD<br><br>Hm...<br><br>I drink coffee in the morning, so I spazz for an hour or so before I need another cup xD<br><br>I like Metallica, and the Fray, so youve also got a friend if you like any of those bands...<br><br>Im on chat pretty early, also. So, if you need me, Im either Black_Cat, Emril, or OCD. So, Im on there alot. (I am the Almighty Emril :P )<br><br>Kelsey, dont pull that agenst meh! Yeah, thats another nick: Mrs. I'mObsessedWithTwilight .... I like to make new friends.<br><br>Im pretty respectful If you respect me. Other than that... *cough*
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • <span style="font-size:75">I'm Kite, I've been on VP since January of 2006 (I'm willing to help newbies if they need it ;3). I've worked on many lines of different breeds, including Papillons (10x4), Mutts (9x4), Spotted Hyenas (8x4), German Shepherds (8x4), Irish Wolfhounds (8x4), Hovawarts (8x4), Tasmanian Tigers (6x4), and I'm currently working on Hell Hounds (7x4 so far, only half of first line done though). As you may have guessed, I tend to aim more towards 8x4 than I do 10x4 with my lines. <br>Apart from working with my Hell Hounds, I'm somewhat active in Weight Pulling eventing with my Great Dane and my Neo Mastiff. I have other showdogs, but I'm focusing on my Weight Pulling dogs for now. <br>Other than that, I'm working on getting lots of high starred studs in my stud kennel.<br>I have one of each sponsor (except I have 2 trainings and I share a 2nd prestige) and one novice account. Nothing too special about my other sponsors, but my prestige kennel has run a mutt-only club for over a year now and has been successful. Myself, I own 72 mutt showdogs, and other giftie mutts (haven't counted those). The prestige kennel that I'm sharing (3eagles is sharing with me ^^ I luff her) has a club, but its under construction. We're doing a lot of work on this, planning and such, and we really hope that once the club opens to the public, its a success.<br>I also collect gift colored dogs.<br>Those are my current VP projects.<br><br>On the forums, I float around the general discussion, artist alley, vent, and RPG sections. I think I'm a generally friendly person? I try to be, unless the person(s) I'm speaking to are ones that I'm not very fond of...even then I try to be polite. I'm generally on the forums from 11:30am to 12:00am most days.<br><br>Information about me in general...I'll copy/paste from my kennel page.<br><br>"In real life I own two Papillons. They're brothers. Their names are Pocco and Sysco. Neither of them are very good physical representations of the papillon breed according to the AKC breed standard. However, their temperament are exactly like the breed should be; playful, full of love, little lapdog cuddlebugs ^^ Pictures of my little lapwarmers can be viewed <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">here</a>. In all, I have 9 chickens, 8 goats, 5 cats, 4 horses, 4 bettas, 2 guinea pigs, 2 ferrets, 2 turtles, 2 bearded dragons, 2 dogs, 1 corn snake, 1 fat tailed gecko, 1 kuhli loach, and 1 llama. I live on a farm of sorts. I'm usually a friendly person, but I'll give you the same level of respect that you give me, so please keep that in mind ;3"<br>Something that isn't on my kennel page....I love snakes, and am very passionate with it. My corn snake is my baby! Most people have probably seen pictures of him here, I tend to flash them around XD <br>My hobbies, other than VP, are drawing and writing. I occasionally offer art services to the members of VP and it was successful in the past. I'm writing three stories/books/novels/whatever currently. Two of which are 30ish college ruled notebook pages long, and the third has filled two small notebooks and half filled a third. The longer one is my top priority when it comes to writing, and is the only one that I see myself actually finishing (if I can bring myself to ending it). I also write poetry, something not many people here know. My English teacher recommended that I get some of my poetry published, but I'm not so sure about it. I'd have to look into it, and if it costs money, its a no-go.<br><br>I guess that's it?</span>
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