<span style="font-size:75">okay soo my puppy<br>(big black)<br>turned 5months on the 20th<br><br>yeah..he wieght 65lbs and hes 5months<br>lol<br>hes giantic<br>but hes really calm<br>he doesnt jump..or bite<br>he licks a lot though<br>haha<br>i have like the perfect dog<br><br>anyways hes super smart<br>he knows<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">sit<br>stay<br>no<br>lay down<br>and roll over</span><br><br>i just taught him roll over yesterday<br>and i told him to do it just now<br>and he actually did it!<br>haha<br>the german shepherd genes must be really strong in him<br>because sheps are really smart<br>:)</span>