i actually think its really good,<br>i know im not wonderful myself<br><br>but i see a few things<br>-paws/legs. paws look kinda deformed...and the ankle/wrist on the front foot should be lower.<br>thr sholder part kinda bunches up at the top.<br><br>but its actually good<br>:D<br><br>(i could lineart for 200k?)
The head is also a bit big. I recommend studying diagrams of dog skeletons, they help tons. They show how big things should be compared to others on a dog, where things can bend, etc.
The head is also a bit big. I recommend studying diagrams of dog skeletons, they help tons. They show how big things should be compared to others on a dog, where things can bend, etc.
<br><br><span style="font-size:75">skeletons scare me kite<br>:shock: <br>lol<br>they do help<br>:D</span>
thank you for your critiques. I forgot to mention it was suppose to be like a bloodhound. I probably could have my dad look at it, he is an amazing drawer. I have a picture of a sinister shepard i will upload. It took my and hour or so with my dad's porpotion help.
<span style="font-size:75">the shepherd is posing just like a shep would<br>:D<br>just work on paw structure<br><br>and the ears need to be moved forward a little<br>and make them a bit bigger</span>
Thanks lolo. I am horribly at paws, I thought I would try something new. My dad told me to bring the ears back, I guess I brought them to far back hehe.
The shepherd doesn't remind me of a shepherd...it looks really similar to the first one. I am not great with drawing dogs so I am not sure how you would fix it.<br><br>And I can line if you want me to. Just let me know.