Yesterday me and my mum were at home just doing the normal things round the house, when we got a call from my auntie. <br>My auntie was ment to be going up to London to get a table and some other stuff from my uncle. So my mum throught that the call was about this. <br>While she was on the phone she looked really worried and dis-stressed. I watched her on the phone as i knew it was something bad from what I was hearing, "Oh no", " Is he ok" etc. So when she got off the phone I started asking 101 questions, (yes Im nosey). Who was that? Whats happened? Questions along those lines.<br>She told me that my auntie had not gone to London as planned as my cousin, aged 13, had gone BMXing today with some friends and there parents on the other side of London (Dartford Side if that means anything to anyone). And he'd had an accident. He had gone over a little table top jump landed incorrectly and went face first into his handle bars. He had smashed all of his Top teeth back in to his top jaw, from canine to canine. <br>So with this my auntie and her husband, my uncle went to go get him, its a good hour maybe even an hour and a half away from where we live. They took him to the hospital, for them to only say that they could do nothing untill the swelling had gone down. So they gave him some seriously stronge painkillers to carm the pain.<br><br>They went back up the hospital today to see if anything could be done now the swelling was setteling down abit. And he had an x-ray done, for them to find that he had broken his Top Jaw.<br>My poor little cousin had been walking around for 2 days in serious pain with a broken top jaw.<br>He is still at the hospital now, and is going to have face reconstruction surgery as its so badly broken.<br>He looks like one of the "Whoes"? from the Grinch. His top jaw is about an inch further out then his bottem. With scratches all up his face. His gums of his teeth are black from bursing.<br><br>Your probably saying well he should of been weaing a helmet.<br>Well he was. Not a full helmet with a face gaurd obviously but still it was a very sturdy helmet. <br>Also he is a Moter Cross Rider, he, my little cousin is the second best Moter Cross rider in the country in his age range. So its not even like its because he is young and on a bike. Hes been riding from the age of 3. <br><br>I really feel for him, hes my baby cousin, hes born on my birthday. Which makes him abit more special to me. But i cant belive hes done so much to him self but landing a jump wrong. And it was only a BMX push bike, Not his Moter Cross bike. <br><br>I just wish theres more i could do for him.