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edited June 2008 in General Discussion
Well not really.<br>All you wimps get all excited when people say Eeeeew. :lol: <br>Anyway, that was not the reason for my post. So I was outside, kay. My cat (Curious) was in my neightbor's yard, so I walked over to get her. Now here's her her face in the woods, her butt out. Theres a rustle in the trees. <span style="font-style:italic">BAM!</span> she snags a mouse. :D Ok, so i'm out there praising her telling her "Good job! Good girl!" and she's mewing along like she understands me. She lays the mouse in a tuft of grass. When it moves, she like gets in pounce position, and jumps on it and it goes <span style="font-style:italic">squuuuueeeeeak</span>. Kinda funny, but really sad.<br>But yeh, I just <span style="font-weight:bold">HAD</span> to post that. :twisted:
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