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it was hot today

<span style="font-size:75">was it hot everywhere?<br>in CA it was horrible!</span>



  • eh it was ok in Ohio..<br>not the best<br>actually it was like neutral. :?<br>Always wanted to go to Cali. :|
    I'm Back!
  • Just warm here yesterday. But I live in Canada so.. doesn't get too hot where I am.
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Just warm here yesterday. But I live in Canada so.. doesn't get too hot where I am.
    <br><br>*nod*<br>It was kind of chilly yesterday for me.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • It was 67-70 yesterday <3
  • bout 75 yesterday
    I'm Back!
  • It was about 80-90 yesterday and 90-95 today, which to me is horrible, I really dilike warm weather on days I can't get to the ocean, which is quite easy in Connecticut
  • Its 73 degrees right now as I type. Anything warmer is too hot for me. But I perfer 60s.
  • i was in IN it was awful :(
  • Va-hot,only about 80 and alot of thunder storms

  • I thought it was nice out, but where I live anything under 100 is nice.
  • Today it was 105 in Cali. :shock: <br><br>My poor Sib.Husky was dying. xD We hosed her with water so she would feel cooler.
  • It was like 73-75 degrees here.
  • around 80 in CO
  • Its 70 degrees on the dot right now :P (sick of me posting here yet?)<br><br>We haveta shave my llama'll start getting hotter come mid-july. Poor thing will be dying ><;;
  • <span style="font-size:75">as of now<br>its okay<br>but last night it was sooo hot i couldnt sleep<br><br>lets keep eachother updated on the weather here<br>:D</span>

  • It was hot yesterday night in CA. >< I couldn't sleep. I had to sit on my bed the whole night, with the AC on xD <br><br>I hate Cali weather sometimes.
  • We had thunderstorms this afternoon/evening...I don't like them. ><;
  • <span style="font-size:59">yeah..<br>yesterday in centeral CA there were a few thunderstorms..<br>then it got really hot<br><br>odd weather</span>

  • lolo wrote:
    <span style="font-size:59">yeah..<br>yesterday in centeral CA there were a few thunderstorms..<br>then it got really hot<br><br>odd weather</span>
    <br><br>Hmm.. we didn't have any thunderstorms in southern Cali.. but it got uber uber hot. :|
  • yaaaa<br>weird weather<br>:/<br>i wish it would just stay hot<br>i love hot summer weather<br>:D

  • In <span style="font-weight:bold">Canada</span> (gasp! Canada?!!?)<br>yesterday it was cold for the mornings, then it warmed up, (like, 20 degress <span style="text-decoration:underline">celsius?)</span> But it didn't get <span style="font-style:italic">hot...</span><br>Then we had a HUGE thunderstorm X3<br>You could't see across the street it was raining so hard..and you know the term 'rolling thunder'? Definitely true. That's EXCACTLY what it sounded like...haha.<br>Then it cooled down again for the evening...<br><br>BTW, I live in a southern part of Canada, so no, I don't drive a sled team to school, and no, I don't like in an igloo. XD
    **If I win anything, please PM me.
  • Its been really nice over in South of England :)
  • Yesterday was hot-ish.<br>but It got better around 7-8 ish.<br>Today our high is 92.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Yeah, lately in California it has been pretty strange.</span></span>
  • We're pretty much supposed to have thunderstorms for the next month. :roll: I hate thunderstorms. Not only am I scared of them due to past experience, but I have to get off the computer when there's a thunderstorm...which means I can't talk to my best friend at all until the storm is over.
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