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Alright, so I'm working on breeding my Boykin Spaniels at the moment, and I'm trying to figure something out.<br><br>I've heard two conflicting stories. One, someone has told me that you should breed dogs that have similar birth stats together for optimal results.<br><br>Somone else told me that you just want to breed dogs with the highest birth stats from a litter, and it doesn't matter if the stats are similar to the stats of the other dog they're mating with.<br><br>So. Anyone know which it is? And does the same thing stay true in regards to the stats after they're trained?


  • I breed the highest stared ones and get even better pups from them I have never tried breeding dogs with similar stats.
  • I do breeding of highest statted dogs, though they are usually pretty similar (especially if you're only looking at one stat). That way, you will be breeding two with the best possible stats. I have never tried breeding dogs by looking for two with similar stats, but I do know that using the highest statted ones works :D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Alright, thanks guys :]<br><br>And Nickel, did you have issues with speed with your Boykins?<br><br>>.< it's refusing to roll...I'm going to need more imports if I want to keep this clean lined. Greattttttt.<br><br>If I was to get 9-10x4s, you would have no issue with me like, celebrating or whatever the first clean-lined 9-10x4s? I know you did it, but with inbreeding, right?<br><br>I'd give you credit too, saying you initially got there first.
  • Im not sure on the speed. I got 9x4s easily, but then again... I just crossed dogs :) I dont know how it'd be with clean lines, I know some stats are difficult with clean lines...compared to sloppy mixed lines xD<br><br>Nah, Im not proud of that line really anyways. I was at the time, and I am happy I got 9x4s, but I have accomplished a few 9x4 lines since then that are completely clean ^^ That was back when I didnt really know the difference between clean/inbred lines xD<br><br>Good luck with them =D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Thanks :]<br>They're definitely hard work, I'm doing the majority of the training myself...<br><br>But I'm attempting to do it 'right', so hopefully it will pay off in the long run XD
  • Mhm ^^ How many imports are you doing? I know 16 import lines seem to take forever >.< And on two of my breeds Im going onto 32 imports :? After the imports are trained, its really not that bad. They just...take forever o.o
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I usually keep 2 pups from each litter, 1 male and 1 female, highest starred and statted. I've inbred before... :oops: But I've never done same starred dogs. Highest starred and statted definitely works.
  • BlueIsis wrote:
    I usually keep 2 pups from each litter, 1 male and 1 female, highest starred and statted. I've inbred before... :oops: But I've never done same starred dogs. Highest starred and statted definitely works.
    <br><br>Yeah, I do that two pups thing too.<br><br>Sounds like I'm doing the right thing I guess, based on everyone's opinions.<br><br>Thanks :]
  • Usually I look for one stat that the breed seems to be lacking. If yours is speed, you'd want to pick out the two highest speed dogs to breed. Thats how I managed hyper on one of my lines. My French Brittanies, I will have to look for strength in the next line I do, since thats the only one I need now. But, thats only when one stat seems to be lacking more than the rest.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I only keep one pup from each litter. And I don't care who I breed to. XD I've reached 10x4s with my recklessness. So.. Yeah. :P
  • Dreamland wrote:
    I only keep one pup from each litter. And I don't care who I breed to. XD I've reached 10x4s with my recklessness. So.. Yeah. :P
    <br><br>Hah, yeah I feel kinda like that is the way to reach 10x4s maybe since you don't have to worry about being careful of inbreeding or whatever.<br><br>But nickel beat me to 9x4s, so I need to do something to distinguish myself XD<br><br>And clean lines it is, I guess...<br><br><br>And thanks for the tip, Nickel :]
  • I only take one pup out of each litter as well. Its easy to set up lines that way xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • xD I keep one pup from each litter, usually the highest x4, and if there are more than one high x4, then I choose the one with the highest Hyper.<br><br>I was able to reach 9x4s by 4th gen, with clean lines, when dealing with Azawakh Hounds. Hoping to do the same for Cretan Hounds. =3<br><br>Good luck Loko. =D
  • Kazuko wrote:
    xD I keep one pup from each litter, usually the highest x4, and if there are more than one high x4, then I choose the one with the highest Hyper.<br><br>I was able to reach 9x4s by 4th gen, with clean lines, when dealing with Azawakh Hounds. Hoping to do the same for Cretan Hounds. =3<br><br>Good luck Loko. =D
    <br><br>So it sounds like one pup works, but I'm too lazy to go back now and switch it around. I have 8x4s 3rd generation, which is good...<br><br>And thanks Kazzy :]
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