Just thought I'd let everyone know that I might be gone for at least a week at the most.<br><br>Our oldest Berner Zeus, who is just about 6 1/2 years is having health problems right now. He has a vet appointment today so we're gonna go<br>see what's going on inside of him.<br><br>I know..you're thinking "6 1/2???? That's nothing!" <br>Actually...Bernese Mountain Dogs don't live very long. I've noticed it's more<br>of the show Berners, however Berners that are just pets don't last long either. The longest I've seen a pet last is 8 years. <br><br>
It's very sad, and I'm hoping he still has at least a month or two left <br>in him. <br><br>Here is a picture of him in his younger days (: This was the day that he got his champion title ^-^ He kicked butt!<br><br><img src="
http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q130/VirtualPups/My Dogs/zeus-1.jpg" alt="
http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q130/VirtualPups/My Dogs/zeus-1.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>This is a bad picture I know xD it was ALOT smaller before and when I resized it and...well... yeah XD<br><br>Anyways, I will talk to everybody in a few days ^-^<br>And please keep Zeus in your prayers
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel