So its like 3 am and i am having this conversation with myself...<br><br>- hi<br>-- hello<br>- how are you?<br>-- Fine and you?<br>- Fine.<br>-- But i just said fine.<br>- So did i<br>-- why couldnt you pick a different adjetive?<br>- because i dont have to.<br>-- and if i say you do?<br>- i dont have to do what you say<br>-- technically you do, dont cha think?<br>- no i dont think thats your job<br>-- yes i know, so you should just shut up.<br>- just because you think doesnt mean you can tell me what to do<br>-- yes it does.<br>- so!!!<br>-- your annoying<br>- well i dont like you<br>-- will you go hibranate or something?<br>- Your Mom<br>-- She's your mom too<br>- So!! Go away<br>-- Fine.<br><br>So yeah convo to myself at three am lol<br><br>-buffy
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.