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The good side :]

<span style="font-size:75">Ok, in chat, there were some bad kids <br><br>*shame shame* on them!<br><br>But, then there are the good kids, like:<br><br>Me<br>Sweetie<br><br>Who are just minding our own business's, me drinking a real slushie and eating life cereal from a cup, and Sweetie drinking a virtual slushie :\<br><br>Why can't everyone just be good!?!?!<br><br>Give OP's a break xD<br><br>(They got the power!)<br><br>EDIT**<br><br>Did you guys know at the end of a slushie straw there is a spooony thing?!<br><br>it's a <span style="font-weight:bold">STRAWPOON!</span><br><br></span>


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