<span style="font-size:75">What if we did some kind of art contest...<br><br>No! No! Don't turn back! Keep reading! Whether you are uber talented in drawing, or need some work, just READ. =D<br><br>What if we did some kind of art contest.. Where we set up different options.. <br><br>Ok.. I need to explain it differently.<br><br>Digimon<br>Pokemon<br>Fursonas/Characters.<br><br>We'll use those three topics to explain..<br><br>What if we did something like.. we'll gather 50+ different types(for example) of each thing. 50 digimon, 50 pokemon, and 50 of peoples fursies/charries.<br><br>And the entrants can choose to do any of the topics. So.. Say Kite wanted to join.<br><br>Kite: Ooh! I want to draw pokemon! *runs to draw*<br><br>Then you draw as many of the pokemon as you can. You get rated on the quality, how accurate, the shading, etc. So if you're not good at one thing, you can make it up through another. :] Now say Kite draw.. Suicune. But forgot the ribbons. But otherwise, it was perfect. She may get a 7/10. Something like that.

<br><br>And we could make it interesting..er. Like all digimon must be in Horse, dog, cat, or dragon form. So it's the shape of the dragon, but all the characteristics of the original digimon..<br><br><br><br>Just had a random thought. Would anyone be interested in something like that?</span>

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