<br><br>Thanks!<br>I do not know how much they are worth though...<br>I once had an auction for a custom slot and the winning bid was 9 milly, but I do not know how much YOU would value them at...[I don't actually have any cash to spend...renewing sponsor so I was hoping you'd like my art, as I LOVE berners. Have one in r/l! XD
Naw, but can I bid like 3 pictures?<br>[So 3 Milly x 3 Pictures = 9 Milly bid?]<br><br>But I have to warn you : exams are next week, but they end thursday, so I probably won't be able to draw anything until then. [I won't have any time to make it <span style="font-style:italic">just</span> right...and I'm a perfectionist...XP]<br><br>Actually, do you want me to PM you? I'm kind of clogging up your thread...XD
**If I win anything, please PM me.
**If I win anything, please PM me.
**If I win anything, please PM me.