Alright, a little bit of background as to why I am doing this:<br><br>I currently believe that I have ruined a 5 year friendship with my best and closest friend because I told him I loved him. We usually speak everyday almost every minute, but now he rarely comes on, and when he is on, he doesn`t message me. I have gotton really depressed and angry at myself for ever telling him and I wanted something to express my feelings. <br><br>Requirements:<br><br>Feelings: Anger, depressed, upset, confused.<br>Length: Any length. Don`t really care.<br>Enteries: As many as you want to enter.<br>Must be origional. Be creative. No one else will be seeing this except for the people on here. I will be writing it down in a notebook to keep.<br><br>Prizes:<br>First Prize- 500k plus 2 200/280 trainings w. or w.o Aggro<br>Second prize- 250k plus 1 200/280 Training w. or w.o Aggro<br>Third prize- 125k <br><br>Everyone else: 5k.<br><br>These are the prizes for each catagory. Song and Poem. =D
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Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!