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Breed Discrimination

Please consider signing this petition to stop PetSmart stores from discriminating against bully breeds.<br><br>You can view this petition at: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Permission to crosspost.
Nefertete, Game Dev
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  • Honestly, as someone who is the owner and very well educated on "bully" breeds, I don't think it is a good idea for them to go to doggie camps, dog parks, etc. <br><br>We cannot hide the fact that our dogs WERE bred to be animal aggressive. The majority of Petsmart workers are not educated enough to know how to handle a fight if it did break out. The same goes for dog parks.
  • There are however dogs in the Bully breeds that are well socialized and not agressive towards other animals.<br><br>The rule should be not to bring in any dogs that are known to be agressive with other dogs regardless of breed, not just banning specific breeds.<br><br>My dog is a mutt and I wouldn't bring her into a pet store simply because seeing other dogs works her up so much because she wants to play with them.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    There are however dogs in the Bully breeds that are well socialized and not agressive towards other animals.
    <br><br>My dog fits into this catagory. But, I for one will stick with the old saying, never trust your pit bull NOT to fight. Your dog may not start it, but they will finish it. <br><br>I also agree with what you said about known aggression as well. Certain breeds should not be banned because of their breed. People should know their dog. I still do not blame Petsmart though.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    <br>The rule should be not to bring in any dogs that are known to be agressive with other dogs regardless of breed, not just banning specific breeds.<br>
    <br><br>Agreed ^^<br>My dog is a lab/dachund/shepherd mix, which by no means includes 'Bully breeds' but it would definitely be a bad idea to bring her into a pet store. I believe that dog owners should know their pets well enough to determine if they get along with other dogs.<br><br>If pet owners can't determine this, then they probably have the problem, not the dog...<br><br>Zagari, I'm all for being careful and whatever, but I don't believe that a whole group of breeds should be eliminted from somewhere. That's almost equal to preventing a whole race of humans from going somewhere because some of them started a war or whatever. And obviously, that isn't done, so....
  • I agree with Ori ^^ <br><br>Pocco and Sysco..I'd never bring them to a dog day care, dog park, petstore, etc. They're too friendly to other dogs, and any dog regardless of breed could return their friendliness with aggression (and since Papillons are small dogs, they could get seriously hurt). When we had our German Shepherd x Collie mix, he was somewhat dog aggressive depending on the behavior of the other dog(s). He was fine with quiet dogs. But overly friendly dogs...he'd snap at them and whatnot. He did snap at Sysco one time when he licked his face. He could've easily hurt Sysco badly because of the size difference. Any dog could react that way, whether they're a bully breed or not, and whether or not the owners could predict this behavior.
  • He was fine with quiet dogs. But overly friendly dogs...he'd snap at them and whatnot. He did snap at Sysco one time when he licked his face. He could've easily hurt Sysco badly because of the size difference. Any dog could react that way, whether they're a bully breed or not, and whether or not the owners could predict this behavior.
    <br><br>^^ My dog is the same way. It's just a dog thing, not a breed thing.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    <br><br>The rule should be not to bring in any dogs that are known to be agressive with other dogs regardless of breed, not just banning specific breeds.<br>
    <br><br><br>Totally agreed. I have a rottie lab. For some reason she is more friendly towards labs, specifically black. [her mother was a black lab]<br><br><br>She is usually friendly with most dogs unless they get to in her face [as in jumping all around, wont leave her alone... that sorta annoying thing]
  • the link says the petition has been moved. maybe i'm blind but i can't find it on the site the link directs you to.<br><br>as an owner of bully breeds (specifically apbts) for over 10 years, i think it 100% depends on the individual dog. <br><br>i have 2 that are same sex aggresive, i would never take them anywhere strange dogs would be.<br><br>my biggest dog (the one in my banner) is the most submissive dog i've ever met. he will physically turn away from any aggressive dog, 100% of the time. <br><br>people will never learn that you can't judge a breed of dog, or race of human b/c of their looks/species. it will never stop being frustrating to me.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • Sighned. THANKS NEF!!!
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Until everyone on earth is blind and deaf, there will always be prejudice. Its a very sad thing.
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