<span style="font-size:92">my family and I have two four wheelers. One is ours and the other is my grandparents. Ours was taken by the neighbors to take down a house of a girl who had killed herself. My two sisters and a freshman that lives next to us, took our grandparents and was driving it in the woods next to our house. Well we: as in me, my parents, and other neighbors: were outside at the time sitting in the yard. We hear this big crash sound. My little brother, who was on the swing set at the time, came running over to us and started screaming "i think they crashed, i think they crashed!" My dad and i took off running into the woods to go and find them. After a couple of minutes looking, we could see a four-wheeler tipped over on the side of a hill. we rushed over to them and removed the four-wheeler. My sisters were fine, a couple of scrapes. The freshman boy on the other hand wasn’t. His shirt was all torn to pieces and his chest was hurting badly. we took them back to the house and they told us what happened...<br><br>they were going up a hill, it had just rained so it was a little muddy. the four-wheel drive wasn't on. the tires turned, causing the four-wheeler to turn sideways. it then flipped over and started rolling down the hill, with them still sitting on it...so it was rolling over them. <br><br>they didn't remember much of what had happened exactly. they were pretty shaken up. well anyways they went to the hospital. I am sitting on the compy waiting for them to get back and see the results of broken bones or any other injuries. i hope tis all fine and dandy. <br><br>my grandparents four-wheeler is trashed...and for ours, my dad wants to sell it *sigh* i love the four-wheeler...but it's best four the safety of others.</span>

Semper Fi.