<span style="font-size:75">I sigh and look away<br>I picture you,<br>Your smiling face,<br>And soulful eyes<br><br>You're in my heart,<br>And always will be<br>I miss you so,<br>I loved you so<br><br>You left this world<br>So cruelly,<br>We all mourned,<br>Our grief overwhelming<br><br>I think of you,<br>Every day,<br>It pains me so,<br>To think of you.<br><br>Although it hurts me,<br>I also feel happy,<br>To see you in my dreams,<br>Your beautiful face<br><br>I know you love me,<br>And always will,<br>I'll fight for you,<br>I'll die for you<br><br>So not matter what,<br>Always remember me,<br>You know I love you,<br>And always will.<br><br>I miss you Anelise...</span> (This was for Young_Native)<br><br>I Miss You by Bluey
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