Only put it here so the trainers in the training section don't get pushed down even further, but if this is in the wrong section, could an op move it?<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">The Kennel</span><br><br>I have a spare kennel that doesn't get much use. It'll likely never get used by me, but I'm keeping it in my possession just because I'm a kennel hoarder.<br><br>Now, the previous owner has access to it, but as for how much s/he uses it, that's up to him/her. S/he said that s/he wouldn't use it often. I haven't even seen a contract from him/her since I purchased it, so you will likely be able to get much use from it.<br><br>This is the kennel; <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>It has 100 in training, of course. <br><br><br>You will have the option to use it as long as you want, providing you follow my rules and be a good little user.
:P<br><br>It expires in January. If I have the money, and if you're a good enough, decent player, I'll renew it. At that time, I will make the decision to keep the kennel or not.<br><br>(If not, you will have the option of owning it.) Just don't hold your breath, I'm making no guarantees.<br><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rules</span><br><br><br>All of my rules apply. I personally think my rules are fair, so you can't argue about it. You either agree or you don't, and if you don't, then you're not gaining access. <br><br>- No changing anything about the account; password, email, kennel page, etc. <br>- Do not use my kennel to message anyone<br>- Do not post anything on the BB<br>- Do not impersonate me; this has happened before and you won't gain anything from it, just my complete hatred<br>- Do not do illegal things (either for real life laws, or something against VP's TOS)<br>- Do not forget to message or post with the word "ral" somewhere<br>- Do not give away my user/player name to anyone; I could care less if they're your best friend and you trust them - if I find out that you let anyone else on my kennel, I will change the password and you will never get anything from me again<br>- Don't sell the kennel, dogs, or anything else<br>- Don't buy dogs and don't steal any playcash in the kennel<br>- Don't link your kennels to mine<br>- Don't train dogs on contracts unless they're for you<br>- I always maintain the right to change these rules<br><br><br>Some of these things can be excused, with my permission. For example, if you want to publically train, and want to advertise on the BB using my kennel, that would probably be excused, but it varies and you need to ask before doing such.<br><br>If you're truly interested in publically training, I will create a layout for the kennel and you can post your own prices, training rules, etc. on it.<br><br><span style="font-size:84"> If you do gain my permission to advertise/publically train using the kennel, you must make sure that they do not think I am the one doing the training. A mention that you are the trainer is required, either on the kennel page, in the post, or in the message itself.</span><br><br>You can host events if that floats your boat. Don't use your brand in it though, if you're going to use a brand, please use mine (FBI) or none at all.<br><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Payment</span><br><br>I'm not asking for payment, but please pay for your own turns. I'm not going to require it, but it would be nice if I didn't have to pay for your work.

<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Application</span><br><br>You need to post or private message me with the following information;<br><br>- Have at least 3 solid references, at least one being a sponsor (exceptions might be made)<br>- Provide your kennel link<br>- Tell me how often you will be using it (daily, three days a week, etc.)<br>- If you agree to the terms or not, and there will be a word I'm looking for to make sure you actually read them

<br><br><br>I would prefer that you have been playing at least three (3) months.<br>I would prefer that you have prior training experience, either sponsor or novice training.<br>I would prefer not to teach someone how to train, but I'll give you opinions/my method if it really matters.<br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">NOTE!</span> - I can refuse anyone I want and I don't need to give you a reason.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Reference Notes</span><br><br>The better your references are, the better of a chance you have. <br><br>If you can get any of these players to vouch for you, you have an even greater chance. Not because of favoritism, but because I respect and trust these players greatly. <span style="font-size:84">Even if they don't know it.</span><br><br>This doesn't mean I'll cut you out if you don't have one or more of them as a reference though.
:P<br><br>- Aziu<br>- Melanie Taylor (she may not be around at the moment, but I can easily send her a text message and get a semi-fast response)<br>- Nickelback_Luver<br>- Kite_Katsumi<br>- Tarnish<br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Know This</span><br><br><br>I want someone who will use this kennel on a regular basis. If you don't, I'll change the password and redo this thing again.<br><br>That would only happen if, for example, you stopped using the kennel for 3+ weeks at a time. If you have to leave for an urgent issue or anything else, you'll have to contact me.<br><br><br>Do NOT try bribing me with anything, and don't try making me feel sorry for you. <br><br><br>
<br><br><br><br>Please post or PM if you're interested.<br><br><br>- Anastasia<br><br><br><br>
<br><br><br>TAKEN.. It'll be used for now, but if it becomes available in the future, I'll open this/post this again.
If u want to be added PM me!