xD I have been looking at chibi tutorials for people, and they come in a million different styles o.o so, it confuses me <br><br><br>Your dragon is cute though. Cant wait till you make another chibi animal =D
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
Thanks ^_^ And yeah the eyes were hard because I already did the outline and when I went to find a tutorial to make it well.. there are millions of different ways too do eyes. So I was just like X_X<br><br>And yes I will probbably try another one today.<br>I need to think of an animal that is pretty easy to draw XD<br>No furry ones x_x
Ohh good Idea I might doodle and see how it turns out ^_^<br>I will try the basset hound first because the eyes sound fun to do XD<br>*loves droopy eyes*
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