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An Idea, oh my!

edited July 2008 in Game Suggestions
Okay, so this is something that I think could help some novices and it shouldn`t be a problem. It is a way to stop the spamming(maybe) that happens when novices had acess to BarkPark. Okay, so here is my idea.<br><br>I know this would be alot of work, but I think it would be worth it.<br><br>Before you come in here and start ranting, just know what this is just an idea and probably will not happen. And before I say anything else: If you are here to argue that all novices should or shouldn`t have access to BarkPark, then leave.<br><br>Anyway, so I was thinking that when a novice joins that they are not allowed to have acess until a certain amount of time. I was thinking until their account is 6-1 year that they wouldn`t have access to BarkPark, but that way the senior players that are novices could still advertise their dogs and such. This could/should cut down on the amount of spamming on BarkPark and when the novices make a new account because their other account got banned or something, they wouldn`t be able to spam again until another year.<br><br>Another thing is that for novices that are linked to Sponsors should also be able to post on BarkPark.<br><br>Now, I got that out. Please, I do not want any arguing. If you like it or dislike it, just post. Don`t start arguing with the people who posted something you don`t agree with. Thanks.


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