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American Idol 2008

The finale just ended! :D:D:D <br><br>For those of you who missed it, the 2008 American Idol winner, winning by 12 million votes, is...<br><br><span style="font-size:9">David Cook!!!!!!!!</span><br><br>*dances around happily* They were both awesome, but I agree with America's decision :D


  • I saw it now too. Lol. They reminded me of brothers standing, waiting for the results. It was so cute to see him cry. My mom shouted when he won. :P
  • Yes, he cried! I squealed! XD <br><br>I honestly didn't know which one I wanted to win, until their preformances last night. <3
  • I never knew. I hadn't watched much of this season. It's cool that David won. :D
  • I only watched the auditions, then the finale XP I cheat.
  • i haven't kept up with it at all this year, only through friends :? so I guess I don't care who won :D
  • Thats what I do! I only watch the other ones if my mom already has it on. Other than that, I dont turn it on.
  • I used to watch it every year.. but this year I never followed. I've only known trhough conversations I've heard about it xD
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I usually don't follow up on Idol.. who won? XD
  • BlueIsis wrote:
    I usually don't follow up on Idol.. who won? XD
    <br><br>David Cook xD<br><br>Says on first post ;P
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I wanted David A. to win.
  • same here, not that I kept up, but all ma friends wanted him to, tarnish me and you, tell ya what great minds think alike
  • YEWSSSSSGSghfdkljklgldfjhkjsa;dkg<br><br>sorry<br><br>i just really dont like david archeluta(sp)<br><br>and david cook. but i like david cook better and i bet my best friend that he would win over david A.<br><br>-edits-<br>Kite i screamed and jumped out of my seat when i highlighted the itty bitty words that you typed and it said DAVID COOK!!!!!. i thought it said david a because it looked long...ugh! <br><br>don't give me a heart attack.
  • GAK04 wrote:
    Kite i screamed and jumped out of my seat when i highlighted the itty bitty words that you typed and it said DAVID COOK!!!!!. i thought it said david a because it looked long...ugh! <br><br>don't give me a heart attack.
    <br><br>I did that on purpose XD lmao
  • i wanted archie to win... :( <br>hes so innocent and cute..... and little. :D and not to mention outstanding! i had no clue that the producers chose. i spent like 30 minutes just trying to get a vote for david archuleta. :O and its all waste. :(
  • i liked both it really was the closet year as for who could win<br><br>both very good
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