Hey, so most of you know i have a rabbit?.. well i was just watching some hamster videos on YT and someone makes like birthday cakes and all for her hams, then during one of the birthday vids one of her hams are diagnosed with a lifethreatining disease and then two weeks later she dies from wet tail.. what i want to know is ... how much would a hamster ROUGHLY cost a week? one of our pet stores sell dwarfs and i want 2 hams but i dont want them to be lonely, so it has to be dwarfs (my sis has two syrians) <br><br>Cage: £ 30<br>2 Hams: £ 12<br>Start up : £ 10<br><br>im going to be doing some saving .. my pocket money is £100 a money .. but out of that i also have to pay for trigger<br><br>insuance: £ 7<br>Monthly bedding: £ 7.50 <br>Treats: £ 2<br><br>so if i save for a few months (to start the money supply so they dont end up going without/ i can tell you 1million reasons why my sis should have never got her hams) do you think id have enough to support them all?