I just saw the movie today and thought it was much better than the first. Story was great and it almost seems like the actors have improved. (not that they weren't good in the first one)<br><br>Have you seen it? If so, what do you think of it?
OOOOOH, it's out!? <br>I am so excited to see it! I read all of the books except the Silver Chair. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe book was a lot better than the movie though I found.
I saw it yesterday. Overall I'd say it was pretty darn good, I liked that it was somewhat 'darker' than the first. But there were some things that bothered me. Not sure which of them I prefer though...I guess I'll have to see it again before I decide. :P
ooo can't wait to see it, hope its as good as yall say! I'm a big fan of the series. and there graphics are amazing (at least in the 1st one) I hate when a movie has bad graphics and those were amazing... anyways can't wait to see it
we just got back, and I LOVED IT. I LOVE. IT. caspian is soo hott, along with peter. but i must say, edmund has gotten cuter. GEEZ IT WAS SO ACTION PACKED. me and grap were like holding eachother for dear life!
we just got back, and I LOVED IT. I LOVE. IT. caspian is soo hott, along with peter. but i must say, edmund has gotten cuter. GEEZ IT WAS SO ACTION PACKED. me and grap were like holding eachother for dear life!
<br><br>Haha I see Frapple likes it. Yeah, I'm gonna see it again next week with my *shudder* siblings. I'm going to cover my ears after we leave the theater so I won't have to hear them rant on about it
I saw it Friday night. It's a great movie, but they added a few things that weren't in the books [I believe that you-know-who and you-know-who, as DustyVinci put it, wasn't] but the parts that they added really meshed well into the scheme of the movie.<br><br>Plus, Reepicheep was awesome.
I saw it Friday night. It's a great movie, but they added a few things that weren't in the books [I believe that you-know-who and you-know-who, as DustyVinci put it, wasn't] but the parts that they added really meshed well into the scheme of the movie.<br><br>Plus, Reepicheep was awesome.
<br><br>Reepicheep! AHH! I LOOOOOVE Reepicheep. I am so excited, I am going to see it a little later today.
YOU SAW IT?!?!?! Omg. I HAVE TO SEE IT or I'll have a seisure. I Luuuve NARNIA. I named my giant stuffed white tiger Aslan. X3 Zo and Dusty are too lucky.
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I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
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I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09