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Oh no!!

My sister went out to put the rubbish bin.. she was bare-footed and when she got to the bin her too hurt a bit.. she went in and got her camera (it has a torch) and ther was a bd wild hedgehog!! <br><br>i went out and picked him up(with a towel), his back ridged but he never hissed.. :( .. so we took him up and set up the other rabbit hutch for him, theres two theorys to what hes doing<br><br>A.: One of the cats got to him and hurt him and hes going to die soon<br><br>B.: The a rumour going around that hedgies are dying of hunger/thirst and with what weve giving him he'll be alright<br><br><br>Either way we're taking him to the vet tomorrow, wish him luck !!


  • You shouldn't take wild animals in and make them be pets. :/ <br>It could be against the law in your state. You need to call the Department of Natural Resources and/or Animal Control so they can take it to a person who can properly care for the animal and release it in a safe place.
  • Zoe wrote:
    You shouldn't take wild animals in and make them be pets. :/ <br>It could be against the law in your state. You need to call the Department of Natural Resources and/or Animal Control so they can take it to a person who can properly care for the animal and release it in a safe place.
    <br><br><br>In which part of my post did i say that i was keeping him.. NONE!<br><br>And its not agenst the law in my state as my friend has one... if you read correctly you would have seen <br><br>
    <span style="font-size:200">Either way we're taking him to the vet tomorrow, wish him luck !!</span>
    <br><br>How the hell does someone take an animal to the vet if you just leave him and let him wonder off. he could get run over by a car because hes so ill.. so i think youll find its a kindness heeping him over night...
  • Being kind would be taking him to a wildlife place. People that know what they are doing. And I would appreciate it if you would not get snotty with me. I haven't gotten a bit snotty with you. ;]<br>Poor little hedgehog is probably scared to death in a small rabbit hutch. And I am sure people keep going out there and checking on it. -rolls eyes-
  • Let the poor thing go. I agree with Zoe. Who pissed on my bonfire (offtopic xD)<br><br>Let him go. He is probably scard!
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Well if it is sick or was attacked by a cat its best to call the DNR. They can/will be able to tell you who to call or take it to so it can get the proper help it needs. ;]
  • Zoe wrote:
    Being kind would be taking him to a wildlife place. People that know what they are doing. And I would appreciate it if you would not get snotty with me. I haven't gotten a bit snotty with you. ;]<br>Poor little hedgehog is probably scared to death in a small rabbit hutch. And I am sure people keep going out there and checking on it. -rolls eyes-
    <br><br>First things first.. The hutch is 6ft by 2ft.. second thing its 2am ... Nowhere is open!! and third thing HE STARVING! i went out to check on him..<br><br>was he rolled in a ball...? no<br>was he hiding from me...? no<br>was he frozen...? no<br>was he in the same postion he was when we left him...? no<br>Was he up at the water bowl having a dink...? YES!
  • Hmm I guess you have hedgehog food on hand then. xD<br>Know exactly what they eat?<br>Call the DNR. ;]
  • Dont get sassy with zoe. She will call her MLP collection to kill you.'<br><br><br>LET HIM GO. I dont give a flying monkeys ass if he isnt scared or not. ITS THE HUMANE THING TO DO!
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Dont get sassy with zoe. She will call her MLP collection to kill you.'<br><br><br>LET HIM GO. I dont give a flying monkeys ass if he isnt scared or not. ITS THE HUMANE THING TO DO!
    <br><br>Yes it is If youd rather he died.. thats your opinion.. i asked my mum to set him free when i read all this and she said no, im taking him to the vet tomorrow and i can't do that withough the 'hog so its not accually my decision .. and yes zoe.. they eat cat food <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 036AAzhs7s</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • Dude O.O<br>Mucky is helping an animal in need,who may have died without her help,and you are critisising her and getting in her face O.O<br>Not right*shakes head*
  • bruiser147 wrote:
    Dude O.O<br>Mucky is helping an animal in need,who may have died without her help,and you are critisising her and getting in her face O.O<br>Not right*shakes head*
    <br><br>Thank you bruiser *huggles*
  • bruiser147 wrote:
    Dude O.O<br>Mucky is helping an animal in need,who may have died without her help,and you are critisising her and getting in her face O.O<br>Not right*shakes head*
    <br><br>I agree. But I'm not about to get in the middle of this xD *wanders off*
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Zoe wrote:
    <span style="font-weight:bold">And I am sure people keep going out there and checking on it. -rolls eyes-</span>
    <br><br>we checked on him once in two hours - it scared him so were just going to leave him alone
  • To help would be to get it in the proper place with people specialized in wildlife healthcare. ;]
  • From the mouth of a midwestrener :D<br><br>Go to some wildlife place... I dont care, just put him in the hands of a PROFESSINAL, not an AMETURE.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • <span style="font-size:200">its 2am</span>
  • it doesn't matter what time it is the DNR is open 24-7 I know that for a fact cause my brother works for them. I will tell you one thing I have found numerous wild animals sick and dieing at night some where at 2 in the morning when I let my dogs out. Anyways if you live in the States as it sounds like you are saying you are there is no way that it is 2 am where you live.
  • It is a great thing what you did for the hedgehog, and I am sure he is in great hands, and getting much care and love. I can understand both sides here.<br><br>He probably also needs specialized care which is what Zoe and Sunny are talking about. He is apart of the wild, and it it sprobably easiest to leave it to the professionals. <br><br>But as I said, he is probably in great hands, we are not doubting that what you did to help the hedgehog was right, it is probably best for the creature if there was somsone who has been through this before.<br><br>-edit-<br>Good job doing your research by the way ;)
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Taking the trash out at 2 am. 0_o
  • Zoe wrote:
    Taking the trash out at 2 am. 0_o
    <br><br>taking the trash out at 11.30 pmwe picked him up at 12am <br><br>And its all very well phoning people. but when your mum is EXTREAMLY ill and cant accually walk and the person looking after us cant drive.. how are we suppose to get him to a wildlife center<br><br>SO.. post something to tell people we probibly saved a hedgehog turend into a battle... <br><span style="font-size:150">LOCK PLEASE</span><br><br>BTW i dont live in america.. i never said i did or imlied anything that would make you think i did
  • ~Topleaf~ wrote:
    It is a great thing what you did for the hedgehog, and I am sure he is in great hands, and getting much care and love. I can understand both sides here.<br><br>He probably also needs specialized care which is what Zoe and Sunny are talking about. He is apart of the wild, and it it sprobably easiest to leave it to the professionals. <br><br>But as I said, he is probably in great hands, we are not doubting that what you did to help the hedgehog was right, it is probably best for the creature if there was somsone who has been through this before.<br><br>-edit-<br>Good job doing your research by the way ;)
    <br><br><br><br>TOTALLY Agreed XD
  • I Wish you and him luck <br><br>(as for the whole fight I do not plan on getting involved and support neither side. Just please MuckyDuckBrendon do what you think is best whatever that may be)
  • My Mum is going to take him to the vet tomorrow.
    And its all very well phoning people. but when your mum is EXTREAMLY ill and cant accually walk and the person looking after us cant drive.. how are we suppose to get him to a wildlife center?
    <br><br>Wth? You said earlyer that your mom was going to take him to the vet, and now shes sick?! HOW can we BELIEVE you, if you change your story every other post?
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • My Mum is going to take him to the vet tomorrow.
    And its all very well phoning people. but when your mum is EXTREAMLY ill and cant accually walk and the person looking after us cant drive.. how are we suppose to get him to a wildlife center?
    <br><br>Wth? You said earlyer that your mom was going to take him to the vet, and now shes sick?! HOW can we BELIEVE you, if you change your story every other post?
    <br><br>Yes, we were going to get a taxi.. but now hes had something to eat hes alot better and we're going to set him free tonight, he was just hungry
  • he was weak and hardly moved you couldnt hear him hiss when his back went up, but he was hissing. NOW we've had him overnight, gave him food (which he ate all of) and we're going to release him tonight and put food out for him and all of his hedgie friends, it was just lack of food/water that made him ill, you can now hear him hiss and the one time we went out to see him this moring - he ran away from us instead of staying still, so i guess you could say that the food/water saved his life :D <br><br>Im sho happee!<br>
    <br><br>He was fine, we didnt even need to take him to the vet he was just malnureshed(sp?) when we set him free (about an hour ago) he ran away, like he accually had the strength to move!!!
  • Glad things worked out :wink:
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • O.o good for you. (If the little bugger had died youd never hear the last of it xD)
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • O.o good for you. (If the little bugger had died youd never hear the last of it xD)
    <br><br>wow, hed of died if he'd of been left, so you WONT hear the last of it, im glad i had no intention of setting him free.,
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