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I'm so nervous :( :( Pocco and Sysco lose their manhood on Tuesday. But I'm so scared that something'll go wrong, and they won't wake up. And I know they'll be scared, alone in a place they don't know, with people they don't know...and dogs they don't know...They'll be in separate cages, and they have wicked separation anxiety from each other, Sysco especially. Sysco'll thrash around in the cage when he can't see Pocco, yipping, yapping, and yelping, and I know he'll hurt himself...and if Sysco sees another dog, he'll do the same thing. If he gets in contact with the dog (or any other animal), he'll attack them (He isn't doing it out of aggression...he gets WAY overly-excited and doesn't know how to contain himself, and he ends up mauling them - or trying to).<br><br>Mom says I won't see a change in their behavior at all after they're fixed. I heard they might get cuddlier, or stop humping as much, or stop marking as much..? Mom says none of that will happen and they they're already hopeless cases.


  • You are doing the right thing to fix your dogs, I mean poor little female chihuahua who happens to walk by one day while she's in heat... <br><br>Anyways... Your dogs will sometimes stop humping stuff, but I have seen plenty of neutered males (and females!) continue to try and have sexual relations with pillows and such.<br><br>Your dogs are with a vet, so even if they do have a panic attack in the cage, I am hoping (if your vet is what it should be) that he/she will know how to deal with it.<br><br><br>The anxiety they have to go through during the process is worth it by far when you can let them visit another dog without getting odd thoughts. <br><br>(They might stop mauling other dogs aswell :D)
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • They're contained XP No female dog can get near them. They're always in a fenced in yard when they're outside. They're not allowed to visit other dogs (or anything else) anyway x.x Cause Sysco has a retard attack. OCD is annoying.<br><br>Pocco humps Sysco like its going out of style. Pocco also loves to hump my bed blankets...Sysco isn't much of a humper though. :3<br><br>I hope so ><; I'll have to explain it all to the vet before we leave. I have to be late to school on Tuesday, cause we're bringing them there in the morning, and its an hour away. I hope they know how to deal with it...I'll be PISSED if either of them hurt themselves 'cause the vet ignored their outbursts.
  • xD I'm sure everything will be alright.<br><br>But as a side note, when dogs hump things, it's not always out of sexual relations. Humping is a show of dominance. =3
  • I hope so ><;<br><br>I know ^^ But I heard without certain hormones, they don't feel the need to dominate -as much-. I don't know about that though.
  • Once my dogs got spayed/neutered, they stopped marking things as much. Although it depends on the nature of the dog to begin with, though. Now Buddy, my male dog, even when he pees the only time he lifts his leg is when we're out in public. Otherwise he squats, lol.<br><br>My dogs never did much humping, so I can't really help you there. I had a really bad humper for a while, (we had to take him back to the shelter for aggression reasons), but he was and had been neutered for a while. <br><br>It really depends on the dogs, though. Although I don't totally agree with your mom, don't expect too much of a change, because you might be disappointed. Either way, your dogs now have less of a risk if getting prostate and other hrmm...male-ish cancers, and also have no risk of getting a female pregnant. Congrats :)
  • Hehe. Bella does/did that to us sometimes(humping). But she doesn't do it much anymore. It's quite odd having it done to you. xD
  • Thanks guys ^^ <br><br>Today, Kyle said that I abbuse my animals cause I'm taking away "vital" organs. I explained to him that 1) They aren't vital, since they can live without them. and 2) It lessens risks of certain cancers.<br>He goes, "If they have a risk of cancer, they'll get it even if they're mutilated."<br><br>I turn around, look at him, and go "If they don't have balls, they can't get cancer in them." He shut up :3 He's really becoming, since I can't use the phrase I'd normally use. He's still mad that I said no to sex and broke up with him :P
  • :roll: My dog still thinks that we will drop her off at the fixing place. Dont worry, kite. Calm it!
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • My dogs didn't mind it at all. It's not bad at all for boy dogs, considering it's not internal surgery like spaying, just snip-snip and you're done :)<br><br>Buddy didn't seem to notice it at all, actually.
  • xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • It'll be so hard to leave them there and walk away ;-; I think that'll be the biggest problem I'll have. I'd hate to cry over it, but...
  • Just think though...spaying/neutering is the most common canine surgery performed. There'll be no problems, I'm sure. The vets will know what they're doing. Your dogs will be fine without you, too. I know we were able to drop off Buddy in the morning and pick him up in the afternoon because it was such a minor surgery :)
  • I know, I keep telling myself that. But I have a habit of expecting the worst to happen :roll: Habit that was picked up from my mom, according to dad.<br><br>We're dropping them off at 7:30am (school starts at 7:45 and the vet's office is an hour and 20 mins away from school XD I'll be late) and picking them up at 6:00pm. Mom's said that Sysco will have to stay in the crate and Pocco will have to stay in my lap until they're recovered...and I'll have to take them on a leash (in the fenced in yard) for them to go to the bathroom...and even said she wants me to stay home on Wednesday to help them recover. It won't happen though, we're only allowed 5 absences a quarter (or we automadically fail classes and we can't do anything about it) and I can't afford to take one when I'm not sick.
  • Yup, they tell you to not let them exersize a whole lot...but to tell the truth we couldn't keep my dog from zooming around the yard and house, and he was perfectly fine XD
  • We'll have to keep them separated as best we can without letting them have meltdowns...cause they rough house constantly. ^^; Something tells me it wouldn't do them much good if they get going..
  • I have fixed all of my precious and present animals (cats, and dogs) and nothing has EVER gone wrong. That's 3 cats and 6 dogs. NEVER. NOTHING. ZILCH. Everything will be fine!! Thankies for fixing them.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Yeah, we fix almost all of our animals (not the reptiles). I've been pressuring mom and dad to get Pocco and Sysco fixed for 1 year and about 8 months. I'm one of those people who believes practically everything should be fixed. I'm just wary about a vet's office ever since my first Papillon died. I'd seen vets save dogs with the same problem on TV -a lot- of times. But they couldn't save my dog.<br>So I don't trust vets.
  • My male GSD got neutered and he got calmer :) I also have a Siberian Husky female that got spayed. They seem calmer now. And I was in school when they were both getting fixed ^^; I was worried, but they were fine after, ^^. (They seemed to be more energetic! xD)
  • Dont worry.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • They're still groggy. But I checked their 'spots' and they have dried blood and its all red :(
  • Awh Kite :[ But they're okay right?
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I think so. I can't leave my room since they're in here, but no one else will come in here and watch them -_- I'm hungry, but I can't go get food.<br><br>And mom said one of them HAS to stay in the crate. I feel bad cause Pocco can't have food or water while he's in the crate, but she says I can't take him out -_- Mom needs to start taking her medicine. I'm trying to slip a couple pieces of food in the crate, and get water in my fingers for him to lick, but it isn't enough. Sysco's already jumping onto things, and he shouldn't be.<br><br>Also, for the next 7-10 days they need supervision constantly. I have school. Mom's the only one who'll be home during the day. I know she won't be willing to watch them. I can't stay home from school cause we're only allowed 5 absences a quarter, or we automadically fail classes and we can't do anything about it.
  • Update:<br><br>Sysco is back to his normal self. Being too rough with Pocco.<br><br>Pocco is still laying around and shaking a lot. Very nervous and timid now.
  • Most submissive dogs will do that...
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Pocco was never a submissive dog. Sysco was.
  • :shock: Guess they wernt kidding, saying it would calm dogs down... xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I'm hoping its because he's still recovering. He won't walk very much. The most he's walked today is when I got home, I went in to say hi, I sat, and he walked over to me, and plopped down in my lap.
  • Awww xD He'll be OK
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Pocco's much better today :D
  • Yay! That's good to hear. :D
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