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Hectic Friday

edited May 2008 in General Discussion
In Ohio you can get your driving temporary once you reach 15.6 yrs. So my half birthday was on May 1st. But Friday my mom picked me up early to go get my temps.<br><br>It didn't start off great because my mom was late picking me up and then we got off at the wrong exit. When we finally got there and got to the front of the line, they told us we needed the birth certificate with the seal on it. We just had the copy of it with us becuase we couldn't find the original.<br><br>We were supposed to get the cats to the vet at 2:30 so my mom had to call and push the appointment back to 3:00.<br><br>On the way back home my mom called the dmv and asked if I could use my Ohio I.D card. And I could so I ran inside and looked for my card. <br><br>We headed back out and had to stand forever in line. The guy in front of us was getting an I.D and he had to keep resigning his name. :roll: . Well I got my new I.D. and a packet. <br><br>We then went into the testing area and I needed my eyes checked, and then I was assigned a computer. <br><br>There were 40 questions and I needed 30 right to pass. If I got 11 wrong it was an automatic fail. Towards the end of the test I knew I needed to hurry or the cats wouldn't make it to the vet so I skipped long questions and eventually passed (I got 8 wrong. ).<br><br>When I came out my mom said she canceled the appointment because I was done testing at 2:58. I felt bad we wouldnt get the cats into the vet. <br><br>We got back and we rested from all the rushing and my little sister got home. After my mom finished her drink she made me get in her car and drive down the street. <br><br>I was so freaked out but I did ok. I learned to use the windshield wipers (it was raining) and both turn signals. I had to stop at the stop signs and such. And I didn't hit anything or go up on the curb. Though I was 5 miles under the speed limit. No cars were really around though.<br><br>And when I pulled into the driveway I couldnt get in the garage well. I had to try so many times and my mom had to take the wheel and align it.<br><br>So after that we went to the store (my mom drove. lol) and picked up stuff for dinner. When we got at the top of the street my mom stopped and made me drive home. This time I got the car into the garage the 2nd try. <br><br>So it was a very busy day. And I am now allowed on the roads so watch out. :wink:


  • -stays off roads-<br><br>Congrats xD
  • 15.6 years? O_o Never heard that one before. XD<br><br>Congrats :D
  • Here, you have to be 16 to take Driver's Ed. Once you take D.E. they'll assign you a date for a driving test. If you make 1 mistake, you fail the test, and you have to do it over at a later date. If you pass it, you get your permit (temporary, and you have to have a licensed driver over the age of 18 in the car with you when you drive) and you have to wait to get your license. You can't get your license 'til you're 17.
  • Thanks everyone. :D <br><br>Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
  • *dies* you live in OHIO GO BUCKS<br><br>Sowie..<br><br>*dies*
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I get to take Driver's Ed next summer :D <br><br>I keep teasing my best friend because she has to wait THREE years instead of one... she's a year younger than me, so that's two years already, but you have to be 15 by Dec. 31st, and her b-day is Jan. 1st :lol: She missed it by one day... So she gets to wait 3 years.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
    <br><br>I'm glad I don't live there, no offense XD I don't trust teenagers behind the wheel.
  • xD JAZZ quit being mean to conning.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
    <br><br>I'm glad I don't live there, no offense XD I don't trust teenagers behind the wheel.
    <br><br>Why do I now have the feeling Kite's British? :P<br><br>This is a bit off topic but if it wasn't for the fact you're still in school, I would swear you're my assistent softball coach! But she graduated last year. XD
  • 15.6 years? O_o Never heard that one before. XD<br><br>Congrats :D
    <br>Me either
    My playername is baby34 message me ANY time
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  • tarnish wrote:
    Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
    <br><br>I'm glad I don't live there, no offense XD I don't trust teenagers behind the wheel.
    <br><br>Why do I now have the feeling Kite's British? :P<br><br>This is a bit off topic but if it wasn't for the fact you're still in school, I would swear you're my assistent softball coach! But she graduated last year. XD
    <br><br>lmao, Kite's not British XD My mom's paranoid about teenage drivers and its rubbed off on me...especially after seeing the idiots at school drive >>
  • tarnish wrote:
    Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
    <br><br>I'm glad I don't live there, no offense XD I don't trust teenagers behind the wheel.
    <br><br>Why do I now have the feeling Kite's British? :P<br><br>This is a bit off topic but if it wasn't for the fact you're still in school, I would swear you're my assistent softball coach! But she graduated last year. XD
    <br><br>lmao, Kite's not British XD My mom's paranoid about teenage drivers and its rubbed off on me...especially after seeing the idiots at school drive >>
    <br><br>Lol. Well I get really nervous when I drive and I won't act like an idiot. :wink: And I just got to drive my dad's truck today.
  • tarnish wrote:
    tarnish wrote:
    Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
    <br><br>I'm glad I don't live there, no offense XD I don't trust teenagers behind the wheel.
    <br><br>Why do I now have the feeling Kite's British? :P<br><br>This is a bit off topic but if it wasn't for the fact you're still in school, I would swear you're my assistent softball coach! But she graduated last year. XD
    <br><br>lmao, Kite's not British XD My mom's paranoid about teenage drivers and its rubbed off on me...especially after seeing the idiots at school drive >>
    <br><br>Lol. Well I get really nervous when I drive and I won't act like an idiot. :wink: And I just got to drive my dad's truck today.
    <br><br>not all teens are...stupid...behind the wheel, there are few, but you also have to think you it this way: your mom, dad, grandmother, pretty much everyone that drives, started out as a teen. And if they were really bad, they wouldn't be able to drive anyway.<br><br>just something to consider...
  • tarnish wrote:
    Wow Kite, I am glad I live here. For a license you have to be 16 yrs.
    <br><br>I'm glad I don't live there, no offense XD I don't trust teenagers behind the wheel.
    <br><br>Why do I now have the feeling Kite's British? :P<br><br>This is a bit off topic but if it wasn't for the fact you're still in school, I would swear you're my assistent softball coach! But she graduated last year. XD
    <br><br>lmao, Kite's not British XD My mom's paranoid about teenage drivers and its rubbed off on me...especially after seeing the idiots at school drive >>
    <br>*goes back and rereads post about needing to be 16 for DE where Kite lives, then falls over* Lol, that's what I get for not reading all the posts. I had a British history teacher and he said in Britain you're not allowed to get your licence until you're 18 and when Kite said something about glad to not live where Tarnish lives and not trusting teen drivers, Britian was the first thing to pop into my head. XD :lol:
  • -dies- I am going to be in 9th grade before I get to take D.Ed Dx Jazz is ebil
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • -dies- I am going to be in 9th grade before I get to take D.Ed Dx Jazz is ebil
    <br><br>Well I am in 9th now..Why are you complaining?
  • Cus I wanna get it next year! e.e
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Cus I wanna get it next year! e.e
    <br><br>Well others have to wait too. Have some patience. You will have the chance to drive for years. <span style="font-size:59">Unless you die an unnatural death..heh..</span>
  • tarnish wrote:
    Cus I wanna get it next year! e.e
    <br><br>Well others have to wait too. Have some patience. You will have the chance to drive for years. <span style="font-size:59">Unless you die an unnatural death..heh..</span>
    <br><br>Lol. I can't drive till my Junior Year, And I'm in 9th grade right now. Don't be upset, I have more years yet before you ^.^<br><br>Whenever you feel down, just think to yourself, "Cobalt has to wait longer." then laugh. It won't hurt my feelings, XD.<br><br>I plan on bumming rides from all my friends :twisted:
  • Cobalt wrote:
    tarnish wrote:
    Cus I wanna get it next year! e.e
    <br><br>Well others have to wait too. Have some patience. You will have the chance to drive for years. <span style="font-size:59">Unless you die an unnatural death..heh..</span>
    <br><br>Lol. I can't drive till my Junior Year, And I'm in 9th grade right now. Don't be upset, I have more years yet before you ^.^<br><br>Whenever you feel down, just think to yourself, "Cobalt has to wait longer." then laugh. It won't hurt my feelings, XD.<br><br>I plan on bumming rides from all my friends :twisted:
    <br><br>Junior? That stinks Cobalt. I will have my license 2 months after my sophmore year. Cobalt must be at an odd year like 1993 or 1994.
  • Yes. 1993. *sighs*<br><br>I skipped a grade when I was younger and now I'm younger then everyone in my year. but no worries. No one seems to mind, and actually, not driving isn't too bad because I have an excuse to make my friends drive me places. Most of them can drive, though, and I still have 2 more years O.O<br><br>My friend's 16th birthday is friday. *dances* I love birthdays.<br><br>funny thing is, though, people born in 1994+ have to wait till they're 18 to drive in OK, while, people older than that can drive at 16. My cousin was born in Jan. 1994 and she's pissed, lol. :twisted:
  • Lol she is so close. xD People in my grade are annoyed because some law is changing that affects people born in 1994, I think.
  • I know. she's only a few months younger than me, but now I have something to rub in her face. Maybe it's a nationwide thing? I dunno if that's a state-mandated thingie or a federal thing. I think driving age is decided by the state, though.
  • I was talking to my sister who is 26 and she was saying that the reason they say teenagers have more crashes is because they don't have as much experience as say..18yr. olds.
  • Hrm...I agree to an extent. However, if the government wants to wait until people are mature to allow them to drive, the driving age should be about 21 or higher. Although 18 year olds will make some better decisions, they are still kids, plain and simple. Whether the government classifies them as adults or you know what I mean?
  • Mhm. I don't see why 18 yrs. old is an adult age. And I meant experience at driving. Not so much as life. I think no one is mature these days. lol. :D
  • tarnish wrote:
    Mhm. I don't see why 18 yrs. old is an adult age. And I meant experience at driving. Not so much as life. I think no one is mature these days. lol. :D
    <br><br>I agree. Kids are still dependent on their parents at older and older ages, it seems. :roll:
  • Yeah or they go out and do stupid things. Just a month ago I was with my mom driving past a dollar store and a whole bunch of teenagers (like 16-18) had water squiters and we using them like light sabers or swords. lol.
  • nice, XD<br><br>Kids inmy neighborhood are dumb and get arrested for stupid stuff. Fireworks, jaywalking, drugs, speeding, you hame it, they've done it. This one kid in my class has gotten banned from every restearaunt and store nearby. He threw a brick through a window of one of our snadwich stores, and streaked through eight isles of a grocery store nearby.
  • Still
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
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