Would you be able to post links somehow that aren't DA links? My browser won't let me full view any DA images for reasons that only God knows -_-; I click 'full view' and it reloads the page...showing me the preview image again.
DA art is all over Photobucket and stuff though 0o<br><br>Meh, I haven't tried downloading it. Most of the files are huge and my computer hates huge files. I guess I'll just find tutorials elsewhere XP I'll look for some over at Sheezyart *huggles SA*
reposting other people's art anywhere is theft guys.<br><br><br>kite if you find any good tutes there post the links on here and i'll add them to the list i just started with da since i have a lot of tutorials already bookmarked or faved from there
<span style="font-weight:bold">DA art is all over Photobucket and stuff though 0o</span><br><br>Meh, I haven't tried downloading it. Most of the files are huge and my computer hates huge files. I guess I'll just find tutorials elsewhere XP I'll look for some over at Sheezyart *huggles SA*
And nine times out of ten it is art theft and therefore illegal (and also completely disrespectful to the artist).<br><br>I think there are a couple websites that are hosted on sites other than DA, I'll see if I can find them.
I'll keep that in mind. I don't post anyone's art on Photobucket 'cept mine anyway though :P I just see DA art there all the time @_@<br><br>I'll letchu know if I find anything good, Ana I don't think I will though, SA has their search option disabelled for some reason. I wish I knew why my computer hates DA so much. ><; <br><br>Oh, Edel has a paw tutorial that was stickied here before, but was unstickied when you made this. That one is worth sticking up here ^^ I don't know where it went now that its not stickied, though. ^^; <br><br>Do you know of any tutorials for doing fur with traditonal mediums, rather than digital, by the way? o.o
i unstickied eidel's 'tutorial' because it was no longer there (just a broken image link)<br><br><br>i put a couple of fur tutes until the traditional media section (or should have xD )
Aw...well, it was a good one =/<br><br>And we all just discovered that Kite's blind...I didn't see that one pencil one XD I wish I could full view DA pictures ><;<br><br>Oh, and do you know of any tutorials for determining -where- to shade? o.o
Aw...well, it was a good one =/<br><br>And we all just discovered that Kite's blind...I didn't see that one pencil one XD I wish I could full view DA pictures ><;<br><br>Oh, and do you know of any tutorials for determining -where- to shade? o.o
I can't say about shading, but there is a really good book you can buy that shows where the fur seperates according to muscle structure. <span style="text-decoration:underline">Wildlife Painting Basics Wolves, Foxes, and Coyotes</span> by Jan Martin McGuire.
Thanks Wolf on the Wind! (Do you have a nickname? XD) When I'm at Borders next, I'll haveta look for that one <br><br>Eeek, I'm sorry for spamming this post ><; I'll try to stop posting here unless I find a tutorial for you to add.
<span style="font-style:italic">Weelll</span>, back in the day when I was more frequent on VP, my friends called me Wolfie. So Wolfie will work just fine as a nick. =D
Breeder of VP's first 4x4-8x4 weims
Breeder of VP's first 4x4-8x4 weims
Breeder of VP's first 4x4-8x4 weims
Breeder of VP's first 4x4-8x4 weims
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
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