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Misilo; Leonberger Breed

edited May 2008 in Artist Alley
well recently i have been trying to color my pictures on the computer. I already did a hamster one, which was posted in the general discussion. I recently did another. It's a dog, Leonberger to be exact. His name is Misilo, he is one of my characters in the RPG section. I've been working in him for two days...about 5 hours for the total of both days. I tried more detail in it. I am satisfied with some parts, like the head..but others i think need more work...and so<br><br>what do <span style="text-decoration:underline">you</span> think? (i did this on paint. it is the second one i did...pretty good for my second i think...)<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • Very impressive, especially for paint. I think you have tons of potential :)
  • Looks good :D <br><br>&... Nice drool :lol:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • xD Nickel.<br><br>But you are pretty good on paint. The best thing I do on there is stick people! XD
  • I'm liking what I'm seeing :D If you're ever in the mood to take a request, drop me a PM ;3
  • i actually thought that the dog i did was easier than the ham ham...for anyone that has seen my ham ham. i think it was because the ham ham was so simple, and this has more detail and color. im up for challenges. if anyone wants my to do some...just pm me. i would be glad to do it. i would only take like one order at a time though...
  • Oo... I love the large, shaggy dog breeds. <br>The face is better than any face I'd ever be able to make in paint and shading on paint... will never cease to amaze me. XD <br><br>Are their paws really that large?
  • I love the large shaggy dog breeds too...or just large breeds in particuar. <br><br>and yes, their paws are very large. i was unsure if the paw in the picture was actually right with the dog that i based this on. My neighbor has a leonberger named Misilo...and that is sort of what he looks like.
  • Oooo I like! :D It's so cool!
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
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