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Red Fox For Tarnish (WeisseEdelweiss)

edited April 2008 in Artist Alley
<img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>This may not be used by anyone except Tarnish and WeisseEdelweiss.


  • Yes, I used up several hours out of four days to do this. :3
  • fur detailing is beautiful. :D
  • Beautiful :P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • You made me realise just how bad my foxes are >.><br>Thanks [/sarcasm]<br>Sorry,but it seems like mine get worse while everyone else gets better*headsmashes and goes back to working on Boz`s lineart*
  • nice detail work.<br><br>he does seem to be floating though which is a tad offputting :|
    LadyRuatha is the most awesomest person EVAR!
  • Anamaere wrote:
    nice detail work.<br><br>he does seem to be floating though which is a tad offputting :|
    <br><br>I don't really see the requirement of a stand for my subject to be on as long as the limbs are aligned.<br><br>Yet, thank you none the less.
  • Anamaere wrote:
    nice detail work.<br><br>he does seem to be floating though which is a tad offputting :|
    <br><br>I don't really see the requirement of a stand for my subject to be on as long as the limbs are aligned.<br><br>Yet, thank you none the less.
    <br><br>tis okay. your work is beautifully done i meant it in a compositional sense. without grounding the fox in the image (or it's background) it kinda doesn't work as a complete image.<br><br>Tis pretty nonetheless
    LadyRuatha is the most awesomest person EVAR!
  • What can I say? I'm a rule breaker. :wink:
  • What can I say? I'm a rule breaker. :wink:
    <br><br>this isn't about rule breaking. it's about your work not being something easy to look at and understand (i.e. being a coherent image rather than a nicely done fox plonked ona swirly background)
    LadyRuatha is the most awesomest person EVAR!
  • personally i'd like to see more... detail. not in fur wise, but the body is much of a big shape, and to me that makes it easy to see it as other things not pertaining to a fox. more contrasting shapes is what i mean to sort of flows all together.<br><br>but if that's what you were going for, yeah it looks great.<br><br>definitely better than i could do, colouring wise anyways haha!
  • Anamaere wrote:
    What can I say? I'm a rule breaker. :wink:
    <br><br>this isn't about rule breaking. it's about your work not being something easy to look at and understand (i.e. being a coherent image rather than a nicely done fox plonked ona swirly background)
    <br><br><br>Not easy to understand?<br>Isn't that the story of my life. XD! It shows!
  • personally i'd like to see more... detail. not in fur wise, but the body is much of a big shape, and to me that makes it easy to see it as other things not pertaining to a fox. more contrasting shapes is what i mean to sort of flows all together.<br><br>but if that's what you were going for, yeah it looks great.<br><br>definitely better than i could do, colouring wise anyways haha!
    <br><br>Yeah, I can see your point there. You see, I'm not the greatest in backgrounds, but I felt that I had to add as much detail in the fox as in the background. Maybe that didn't work out so well. ;3
  • I actually like the fox on a fantasy, somewhat abstract background ^^ It makes the picture realistic (fox), but at the same time shows creativity and fantasy(background). Like two sides of a coin put together <3
  • First off, I am not overly familiar with canine (or fox) anatomy, but I do have some nice books on the subject with advice and anatomy layouts from someone who seriously knows their stuff. And references. xD This is a tad longwinded than what I usually do, but that is what happens when I post about canines, because I am learning along with everyone else. =D<br><br>Very nice background, I do agree that a base would be better for the piece, but a good way to keep the lack of base but still make a comfortable piece to make your character seem like it is floating. That way you can convince the eye that the scene is "natural." Standing with nothing to support it is not natural, however flying is natural, and floating is believable, especially in space. :D <br><br>Background besides, I think you could benefit from studying anatomy more. I don't know your area, so field studies could be hard, but I have found that look up videos on the web of how an animal moves and interacts can work almost as well. Practice some life drawings, gesture drawings to get a sense of movement, and that would really help liven up the piece, right now it is just "flat, stare, stand." <br><br>Now for the fox itself, I again think some gesture drawings and looking at some stock photos could really take your art to the next level of realism. Even if you're going for cartoon style. Every cartoonist had to start out with an understanding of correct anatomy before they went on to be stylized. :D For your fox, if you made it a lineart and took away the coloring and title, I would have a hard time telling if it is a wolf or what. A lot of people draw their wolves, dogs, and foxes like this, so they mesh together as if a new breed. I think a way to make it scream fox without the color is to make the muzzle a<span style="font-style:italic"> tad</span> thinner and definately have it taper towards the nose a bit more. Animals have different faces just like humans do, and every fox photo and photorealistic painting I have seen shows this. There are specific bumps on a foxes' nose, just like canines. Down, up (bump), down, up (bump). You picture hints at this, but given it's size exagerating it could benefit the viewer. <br><br>Something about the ears just bug me. There is a lot of attention to them, which is good and bad. On the one hand, you're developing needed coloring and detail skills, on the other hand, it is drawing attention even more so to their placement. They just seem to be in a funny spot. Perhaps that would look more natural if you tilted them forward a bit more and moved them up a tad.<br><br>The legs seem too thick and too long- even for a fox kit. I may look more proportionate if you shorten and thin the legs a bit, and lengthen the back a bit more. Again, studying anatomy (and muscles especially) will help you decide when the fur splays out.<br><br>The fur also gets me. There is obviously a lot of work that went into this peice, and parts of the fur. Like the neck it seems like you paid a lot of attention to. The neck has short, choppy fur, yet it still looks smooth to the touch. The muzzle looks too fuzzy, think of it as rougher and speckly, just dots unless you are doing a close headshot. The fur on the legs and body strike me as too long, even when I look at pictures of winter coated foxes. Let's assume this is a winter coat. The fur is slightly longer, and smooth like waves. Individual hairs don't really stand out, stead glossy groups flow over the body in lights and darks in a way that it ends in smaller groups of strands, if you catch my drift. It is still not as long as what you have. If this were hotter season coat, the fur would be much choppier, especially around the chest and bac/spine. The legs would be much like the muzzle, shorter, coarser fur that looks rough to the touch.<br><br><br>For all the lights and colors on the fox, I don't see much in the way of shadowing. The eyes aren't furred all the way, there is a section that outlines the eyes that is furless, and that is the black skin you will see. The picture doesn't have too defined skin, and even at that distance you should be able to notice the skin on the eye. Looking again at different pictures, mostly of foxes with the color you've drawn, they all have black on the muzzles, even if just a smidge. It usually boarders the white, but sometimes appears on the red without touching the white. You did a great job noting the talons, but you forgot the whiskers, something that can really give that fox (almost feline) mystery effect. You could have a lot of fun having the light play off the color of the whiskers as well. :) Also, for foxes of that color (and the lighter tones), they aren't so uniform. You showed great hints at this with the lengths in black on the legs, but you can do the same thing for the body. The black on the tail can pepper up along the top and sides of the tail, move to the back, and even reach the shoulders.<br><br><br>Examples of fur, ears, and muzzle, also leg proportion:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 602080.jpg</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 654892.jpg</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ly&t=47930</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 997198.jpg</a><br><br>I hope this helps you with future pieces, there's a lot of potential here if you fine tune some things. :D
    My Kennel
    Breeder of VP's first 4x4-8x4 weims
  • Keke! ^^<br><br>Many thanks! :D
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