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Meh dog has Demoteptic(sp?) Mange?

edited April 2008 in General Discussion
All I know is Sadie, one of my dogs has the non-contagious mange and keeps getting ear infections. She's on hypo- allerginic food and antibiodics. I have no clue what to do. They're doing the mange dips (baths) and she still has mites! This is the 2nd time she's hadthem. It is herreditary(sp?) But it shouldn't happen this often, the ear stuff and all. What should I do? None of my dogs will eat thier food eiher. We have Roscoe on soem kind of salted food for bladder stones, Sadie on hypo- allergynic food and Pepper and Buddy on Iams. Now, we soak thier food, put cottage cheeze on it,We put canned hypo-allergynic food on Sadie's, what will make them eat? *growls*
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  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>I think demodectic mange is genetic, so one of your dog's parents probably had it, even if it never showed up. My dog had it when she was a puppy, it was only on her head though. It will flare up a little when she gets stressed too, so keep the stress level down at your house.<br><br>What brand of dog food are you feeding them? Iams isn't very good quality food, it has a lot of yeast in it which could be causing the ear infections. Anitbiotics also have a lot of yeast in them (I think?) which doesn't help with yeast ear infections.<br><br>Has your dog been on medicine for the mange before? They're supposed to be on weekly or monthly medicine from what I've read. My dog has never had to have any medicine for hers because hers only showed up a few times when she was a puppy.<br><br>.. Hope you guys can get it cleared up before it gets worse. If what your vet is telling you to do isn't helping, try going to a different vet for a second opinion.<br><br>Good luck!!
  • That's just it, we've taken her off of the antibiodicts, and she stopped having ear infections. Sadie, the one with mange, is not on Iams. She's on hypo-allerginic food. Pepper, however, is on Iams and when she's stressed, her hair on her head falls out. O.o She don't have mange though.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • How old is Sadie? What other medicine is she on for the mange? What breed of dog is she?<br><br>Have you ever had Pepper tested for demodectic mange? She very well could have it if her fur falls out when she's stressed. That's exactly what Dakota did when she was a puppy. We would move or something would happen in the house and she'd get really upset and the skin around her eyes and the top of her head would get red and flakey then some fur would fall out. When things settled down, it would grow back. lol
  • 3eagles wrote:
    How old is Sadie? What other medicine is she on for the mange? What breed of dog is she?<br><br>Have you ever had Pepper tested for demodectic mange? She very well could have it if her fur falls out when she's stressed. That's exactly what Dakota did when she was a puppy. We would move or something would happen in the house and she'd get really upset and the skin around her eyes and the top of her head would get red and flakey then some fur would fall out. When things settled down, it would grow back. lol
    <br><br>Sadie's about 1 and a half. No other meds I don't think. Sadie is a lab/dalmation and has a rottie figure. lemme get a pic for her. Pepper has not been tested. We know her parents and bros and sis's and none have mange, though, that may be a possibility. No red flakey skin, though.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • It generally doesn't come back, it can. If it's a second time, it's not "too often". <br><br>Did your vet actually confirm that your dog has mange? HOW did she/he confirm it? <br><br>As far as I know, the food wouldn't matter. Mange isn't an allergy, it's a disgusting mite that lives in the dog. If she has allergies, you could keep her on it, but if your vet told you to give her hypo-allergenic food to "cure" mange, then you need a new vet.<br><br><br>(As for getting the dogs to eat; why do you soak the food? If they're adults, they are perfectly capable of eating it dry, digesting it, etc.. You could just try not soaking it, unless there's a medical reason. My dog/clients' dogs won't eat soaked food unless they're puppies.)<br><br><br>Most dogs have demodectic mange, but in very small amounts. Some dogs are genetically prone to large amounts (or entire breeds/bloodlines). Two of the most common breeds for demodectic mange are Pit Bull Terriers and Australian Shepherds. My dog was part Pit, and all of her siblings were born with it too.<br><br><br>My dog, Karma, had demodectic mange. She suffered it in the minor stages all the way to the worst possible stage. I've seen it go through small bits of hair and very irritated skin to grotesque rotting flesh, blood everywhere, etc.<br>(My dog did end up being euthanized. Chances are, all of her siblings were euthanized too.)<br><br><br>I think it's safe to assume that Pepper doesn't have mange. Hair loss can be caused by many different things; usually for mange, if it's going to show, it's not just going to stop at hair falling out. It's more than likely the food that you give Pepper.<br>I'm not saying that "OMG, IAM's sucks because of the junk they..." - I don't use IAMS, it makes my animals sick. It effects some animals and not others. You could try switching Pepper to a better food without all the preservatives and other waste they put in IAMs.<br><br><br><br><br>I think you should try getting another vet's opinion for Sadie though. Dips are expensive (or at least were for me, $45 dip + $30 office visit each time), and there's other things out there that you could buy OTC and it would actually work.<br><br>(Chances are, your vet hasn't said anything about them. Mine didn't, he's technically the reason my dog is dead. I did what was right, and then told I was poisoning my own dog, even though the stuff I did was exactly what he did, and they treated my dog poorly because of the Pit in her.)<br><br><br>If you want a vet's opinion, but your parent's don't want to take her to another vet, I can give you the number of my friend. Her and her husband are vets and she'd probably be glad to give you some quick advice, or I could ask her and PM you her response.<br><br><br><br>Typed more than I wanted to. XD Oh well.<br><br><br>Good luck with her. ^^
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Meh vet did some kind of scrape. xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • My dog uses Pedegree. (sp?)
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