Well after a lot of positive comments from friends (and strangers) about my Wolfhound lineart&colour, I decided to have another go :] <br><br>Sweetie, bless her, persuaded me to buy a tablet, which hopefully should arrive either tomorrow or Tuesday. Fingers crossed >_<;<br><br>This was a pencil sketch scanned in and coloured in GIMP (a BIG thankyou to Evlon who suggested I get the programme and then took time to help me learn to use it xP). I picked a Jack Russell as I wanted to experiment on using different colours instead of just different shades of a singular colour. I'll probably try a Border Collie next, or something similar, to experiment on getting a furry texture.<br><br>As per, comments and critique are most welcome. Its the only way I'll get better :]<br><br><img src="
http://i26.tinypic.com/28h0kgp.jpg" alt="
http://i26.tinypic.com/28h0kgp.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Thanks :]<br>Heart x
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