Woot!<br>Lexie had her puppys!<br>Born 4-10-08<br>8 pups in all<br>5 boys<br>3 girls<br>4 black<br>4 white w/ black<br>Pics will be coming soon as photobucket decides to work >.>
If photobucket stops being a pain in the rear end.If it dont im heading for DeviantArt >.><br>or I will finally join Tinypic or whatevertheheck its called
Hmm, better be careful with letting her run around and get pregnant. If a bigger dog mates with her the pups could be too big for her to birth.. and that would be an emergency c-section (which run around $3000) or the mom could die.<br><br>Hope you guys are getting her spayed after this! The puppies are cute, but there are already too many homeless puppies in the world.
your new pups r SO cute my sis's dog, we think she is pregnent. my dog annie had a litter but some one stole them to sell them they were lab/rott but they looked like all lab so some one wanted to sell them. sorry 2 b a downer.anyway cute pups you to MuckyDuckBrendon
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You are such a lucky ducky!<br><br>I them all! They are so cute! I want one too! LOL.<br><br>I agree, I would have her spayed. But they are so adorable! I want to pick them up and hug them!
Please get her spayed! There are way to many dogs in the shelter right now and to bring more into the world... I'm not pointing fingers though. My aunt breeds and she needs to stop. XD Please take this into considderation. I volunteer at the shelter and breeding liscences only give you permission for 2 times a year. Did you have a liscense?
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Please get her spayed! There are way to many dogs in the shelter right now and to bring more into the world... I'm not pointing fingers though. My aunt breeds and she needs to stop. XD Please take this into considderation. I volunteer at the shelter and breeding liscences only give you permission for 2 times a year. Did you have a liscense?
alot of people breed without liscenses <br><br>in my state i think its not needed<br><br><br>i did change what i said ok but only added a couple words
<br><br>I think it should be needed everywhere. I also think that you should have a special permit to even own an intact dog. Or, all dogs should be sold spayed/neutered unless prior arrangements have been made and a liscense obtained.
<br><br>I think it should be needed everywhere. I also think that you should have a special permit to even own an intact dog. Or, all dogs should be sold spayed/neutered unless prior arrangements have been made and a liscense obtained.
<br><br>I think it should be needed everywhere. I also think that you should have a special permit to even own an intact dog. Or, all dogs should be sold spayed/neutered unless prior arrangements have been made and a liscense obtained.
<br><br>I agree
wheaty thinks thats a load of bull<br><br><br>but now your getting a breeders side so i dont know
Kite strongly stands by her opinion :P There're too many unwanted dogs in shelters and stray dogs dying on the streets due to irresponsible breeding by the public.
I totally agree with Kite. There are way too many animals killed because of people letting their intact dogs run around and mate. Each time one of those "free" puppies is taken, a dog loses it's life at a shelter.<br><br>Why do you think that's a load of bull, Wheaton? Why are you against having a special permit to have intact dogs? I would think that would help better your breed by only letting responsible people have intact dogs.. It would cost a little extra to get the permit but in the long run it would make your dogs more valueable and better quality. Right? I think so at least..<br><br>Not trying to argue or cause anything, I'm just wondering why you feel that way.
Well I'm reading this as every person with intact dogs is gonna need a permit and thats responsible breeders included, and if it were to happen my mom would be out 100s of dollars we dont have to pay for 11 permits to keep all the dogs intact. <br><br>And your gonna say why keep 11 dogs you "cant pay for," we can pay for them and actually they pay for themselves via shanes studding, and selling puppies.
I think everyone needs to stop hounding people when they come on with exciting news about a dog having puppies. <br>You told her she should have the dog spayed but guess what. Its NOT her responsiblity. Its her parents. So stop already. >__<
I think everyone needs to stop hounding people when they come on with exciting news about a dog having puppies. <br>You told her she should have the dog spayed but guess what. Its NOT her responsiblity. Its her parents. So stop already. >__<
<br>agreed.And mom is getting her spayed.It has taken 3 litters,but after I showed her the fact that lexie could die if she mates with too big of a dog...yeah<br>I wanna be in Maryland dang it >.><br>I hate living in PA with my dad<br>But I gets to name them!
Well I'm reading this as every person with intact dogs is gonna need a permit and thats responsible breeders included, and if it were to happen my mom would be out 100s of dollars we dont have to pay for 11 permits to keep all the dogs intact. <br><br>And your gonna say why keep 11 dogs you "cant pay for," we can pay for them and actually they pay for themselves via shanes studding, and selling puppies.
<br><br>I meant like, if you have 1 permit, you can have as many intact dogs as you want (within reason, not like..100 XD)<br><br>That's awesome that she's getting spayed, Bruiser Do the puppies have names? Do you know if you're keeping them, or selling them? They're all alive and well still, yes?
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