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I need Bunny advice >.

edited April 2008 in General Discussion
So most of you remember my sweet little Miss Marley?<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Well.. now she's over 9 lbs, and omg, she's gotten aggressive!<br>She's scratched my arm a number of times, and I think people think I'm like cutting myself >.<<br>Yesterday she actually went at me and bit me. No blood, didn't break the skin but still.<br>I had her out two days ago, and she'd hop around and jump onto my lap on the couch, but she'd sometimes nip at me. And then when it was time to go back, that was another story... She went nuts!<br><br>I've tried picking her up by scooping her, covering her with a towel first, scooting her in a towel and wrapping her in it, I've tied petting her then trying. All failed >.<<br><br>I don't know what to do... her "cage" is 4x4 feet and 3 feet tall.<br><br>This is the thing.. There's several reasons for this...<br><br>1) She's 5-6 months old<br>2) Not Spayed<br>3) It's Spring<br>4) She's by Domino and HATES her<br><br>I want to get her spayed, but I think it's like $120. That's not exactly cheap. D: I'm hoping somewhere down the line I can get her spayed.<br>But till then, I think I'm just screwed. Dx I have to wait it out. :/<br><br>Marley was just soo super sweet and friendly...<br><br>Anyone else ever have a rabbit like this?
Please PM if I win.
Boz's Art Dump


  • I had a male dwarf bunny, he was nasty 0o If you opened his cage, he'd scurry out of his little shelter thing, stand on his hind legs, and glare at you..if you put your hand in, he was on you in a second. He was sweet as a baby, then he got mean ><;
  • That sucks >.<<br><br>I'm REALLY hoping this is just a phase, and as soon as she's over the "teen" months she's be a little more pleasant. And once spring goes by too.<br><br>I really think if I get her spayed she'll change a LOT but I can't do that right now >.<
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Yeah...and of course, he outlived my nice bunny by -years- T_T I miss them both. Especially the nice one.<br><br>Good luck with her Boz ;-;
  • ok i am a dwarf breeder Kite_Katsumi yours is mean because dwarf are not a very nice breed there ok but not as nice as like dutch Boz do you know what type of breed it is because it could do somthing to do with the breed like dwarfs
    My playername is baby34 message me ANY time
    also need donations thanks
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  • Awwww, she's adorable. :] But I'm not any help at all. D: Can you just wait it out and in the meantime bribe her with treats? I hope it gets better.
  • miley228 wrote:
    ok i am a dwarf breeder Kite_Katsumi yours is mean because dwarf are not a very nice breed there ok but not as nice as like dutch Boz do you know what type of breed it is because it could do somthing to do with the breed like dwarfs
    <br><br>She's far from a dwarf XD she's a French Lop xD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Awwww, she's adorable. :] But I'm not any help at all. D: Can you just wait it out and in the meantime bribe her with treats? I hope it gets better.
    <br><br>Thanks! :D And that's what I'd like to do, bribe her xD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • This could be because shes "in heat" (ready to breed) all my does get very aggressive around this time of year my arms are always scratched up and I have tons of bite marks -.- Just give her a few weeks and she should be back to normal ^.^<br><br>Rabbit does have a very strong erdge to mother, they want to have babys, xD thats why there are so many rabbits and why you will hear the quote "breeding like rabbits"<br>One of my does can't breed, but she still goes through this and will even fake a pregnancy xP <br><br>I say the best way to avoid her aggression is getting her spayed, my friend has some does who are spayed and they are the sweetest things <3<br><br>If you have and more questions PM me ;)
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • hey boz, I breed dwarf rabbits (or used to) like Jaz said it could be because she is in heat, also because she is simply female, they are VERY moody, I have never had a female rabbit that didn't turn out mean, at first they are nice, but it doesn't last, males are VERY friendly, and I have never had a prob with the males, (and the whole people think your cutting yourself, same thing happened to me, my teacher like grabbed my wrist and was like, "what are these?!? and I said it was my rabbits and she gave this look like... likely story, anyways thats off the point) lil advise so that you can pick her up with out her scratching you, grab her by the scruff of her neck, and have one ear in the same hand as the scruff to secure the head, then flip it over on its back and hold it in both hands on its back, then it can't scratch you, hope this helps
  • Jasper wrote:
    This could be because shes "in heat" (ready to breed) all my does get very aggressive around this time of year my arms are always scratched up and I have tons of bite marks -.- Just give her a few weeks and she should be back to normal ^.^<br><br>Rabbit does have a very strong erdge to mother, they want to have babys, xD thats why there are so many rabbits and why you will hear the quote "breeding like rabbits"<br>One of my does can't breed, but she still goes through this and will even fake a pregnancy xP <br><br>I say the best way to avoid her aggression is getting her spayed, my friend has some does who are spayed and they are the sweetest things <3<br><br>If you have and more questions PM me ;)
    <br><br>I was hoping you'd reply. xD Thanks!
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • hey boz, I breed dwarf rabbits (or used to) like Jaz said it could be because she is in heat, also because she is simply female, they are VERY moody, I have never had a female rabbit that didn't turn out mean, at first they are nice, but it doesn't last, males are VERY friendly, and I have never had a prob with the males, (and the whole people think your cutting yourself, same thing happened to me, my teacher like grabbed my wrist and was like, "what are these?!? and I said it was my rabbits and she gave this look like... likely story, anyways thats off the point) lil advise so that you can pick her up with out her scratching you, grab her by the scruff of her neck, and have one ear in the same hand as the scruff to secure the head, then flip it over on its back and hold it in both hands on its back, then it can't scratch you, hope this helps
    <br><br><br>I've thought about grabbing her by the scruff, but she's just so big, it's not good for big rabbits. <br>I was thinking of getting a male, but I have another female, Domino who's not spayed also and if they got together by mistake xD that'd be bad. lol<br><br>And thanks for the info xD I keep waiting for the day a teacher notices and says something lol
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Jasper wrote:
    This could be because shes "in heat" (ready to breed) all my does get very aggressive around this time of year my arms are always scratched up and I have tons of bite marks -.- Just give her a few weeks and she should be back to normal ^.^<br><br>Rabbit does have a very strong erdge to mother, they want to have babys, xD thats why there are so many rabbits and why you will hear the quote "breeding like rabbits"<br>
    <br><br>this is VERY true i forgot about that mine is acting that way right now she is in heat and has scratched the CRAP out of my hands
    My playername is baby34 message me ANY time
    also need donations thanks
    if you want to be added pm me
  • edited April 2008
    lol yeah that could be bad, and the pickiing up of the scruff, it prolly won't hurt them no matter the size, but when you do it put yourr hand under its butt so it can't twist around and break its back, my friend breeds Flemish giants, and those things are HUGE and thats how we pick them up, but if you don't feel comfortable doing that then don't, lots of people don't like doing that. like jasper said just try to wait it out, but keep coming around the cage and petting her in the process so that when she is back to normal, she still knows who you are, and don't cover with the towel that could just scare her so that when you come around she will expect the towel again, well good luck hope all works
  • I had rescued 2 wild baby rabbits. We tried to tame them, but everytime we picked them up, they were scratching me so bad! Everyone thought I was slitting my wrists, but now my arms are scratched to ****. I put a old sweater on, then they couldn't scratch me. That is the best I can give you for advice. Yes, she probably is in heat, because all of our horses are right now. The mares are going after the newly gelded geldings, and really making them mad!
    I offer cheap sponser training, and cheap sponser breeding!!!
  • Jasper wrote:
    This could be because shes "in heat" (ready to breed) all my does get very aggressive around this time of year my arms are always scratched up and I have tons of bite marks -.- Just give her a few weeks and she should be back to normal ^.^<br><br>Rabbit does have a very strong erdge to mother, they want to have babys, xD thats why there are so many rabbits and why you will hear the quote "breeding like rabbits"<br>One of my does can't breed, but she still goes through this and will even fake a pregnancy xP <br><br>I say the best way to avoid her aggression is getting her spayed, my friend has some does who are spayed and they are the sweetest things <3<br><br>If you have and more questions PM me ;)
    <br><br>It may not be this though.. i had a 9 week old doe and she would be sweetness and light one day and the next if you put your hand in her hutch and took it out - youd be bleeding .... i ended up rehoming her because she was so aggresive
  • I had Marley out yesterday, and she was sweet like usual and friendly, coming up to me, sniffing me, jumping on my lap.<br>I don't want to mislead people to think that she's mean... She's not always. She can be super sweet and fun, but there's times when she's just aggressive. I'm hoping I can get her and my other bunny spayed soon. It'll be good for both of them! :D
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • one thing i can tell you is if nothing else you might have to breed her and i know that might not be a option or get her spayed but i breed my rabbits and all of them have calmed down so thats all i can so to help
    My playername is baby34 message me ANY time
    also need donations thanks
    if you want to be added pm me
  • The only advice I can give you is wear like an old sweater or something so that they can't scratch you.
    If u want to be added PM me!
  • Jasper wrote:
    This could be because shes "in heat" (ready to breed) all my does get very aggressive around this time of year my arms are always scratched up and I have tons of bite marks -.- Just give her a few weeks and she should be back to normal ^.^<br><br>Rabbit does have a very strong erdge to mother, they want to have babys, xD thats why there are so many rabbits and why you will hear the quote "breeding like rabbits"<br>One of my does can't breed, but she still goes through this and will even fake a pregnancy xP <br><br>I say the best way to avoid her aggression is getting her spayed, my friend has some does who are spayed and they are the sweetest things <3<br><br>If you have and more questions PM me ;)
    <br><br>It may not be this though.. i had a 9 week old doe and she would be sweetness and light one day and the next if you put your hand in her hutch and took it out - youd be bleeding .... i ended up rehoming her because she was so aggresive
    <br><br>It could be bad breeding too :/ One of my does was my pick out of a litter that a friend of mine owned, then she told me they were a little inbred, she said it should not be a problem, but later on in life she developed bad habbits of pacing, weaving, bar chewing nonstop and I couldnt even hold her without assistance, untill one day I bred her, big mistake, I couldnt even water her without fear of being attacked, and when I cleaned her cage I had to wear very thick gloves. When she babys were born she took good care of them then one day about 3 weeks later, she killed them, all 5 of them. For no apparent reason. So we took her to the vet, and the vet said she was a resualt of inbreeding,.<br><br>Ehh prolly didnt need to get into that whole story again, it tear me appart that I had to put her down. <br>But do you have any info on her background Boz, that would help xD Like papers or the breeders, you chould ask them id their rabbits act like this ;)<br><br>But the most likally reason shes acting this was is because shes in-heat. I have two does who are usually housed together, they have ever since they were 1 month old, they moms stopped taking care of them :/ but anyway today they got into a little fight, and it was because they were both in heat and there were 3 other bucks close by them xD I moved them, but Im still watching them, I don't need anymore fights.<br><br>Does she skratch at the ground alot Boz? like throw stuff around, my does will sktatch, chin rub and throw their wood blocks all over when they are in heat ;) But they will growl too and sometimes lunge for stuff that I put in their cage with their heads down and ears flat xD This typical behavior last for about 2 weeks, sometimes longer, one of my does is always in heat, but I can't breed her yet because show season is coming up fast and shes my winner and if I breed her now her coat will get rough and choppy. She really hates me keeping her from the bucks, but tis for her own good xD<br><br>So you can either breed her, but breeding can make her quite aggresive too, they get grumpy and don't like their homes messed with or their bellys touched, but it pays off in the end, usually when a doe has a 4 weeks old litter they are as sweet as a angel.<br>But the other option is spaying, which I understand takes lots of money, but at least her aggresion will leave forever, unless the problem is bad genetics...<br><br>MuckyDuckBrendon: your rabbit sounds like she was in heat, usually their first heat can be the worse, I just leave them alone and let them eventually get over it ;)
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • Ok, i don't really have time to read through all the other brill comments so i am sorry if this has already been said...<br><br>I have a dwarf lop of my own (only his ears have always remained up, the vet said it's very odd because he's deffinately a dwarf lop but he's always had trouble with the actual ears coming down thing... :lol: )<br>He's around 1 and a half now and he has been spayed (to stop any accessive aggression) but he is honestly a little angel! He lives on his own in around a 5 by 2 foot hutch (so quite large) and he's in the garden. Everyday i make it so that every morning i feed him and check his water, then i have school and whatever else..., then when i get back i let him outside in the garden. He absolutly LOVES it! He hops in and out of the little bushes and flys round like a mad rabbit but his hutch is always left open when he's out so that if he does get bored or tired he can just put himself away. He is usually out for 30 mins at least. Then he comes inside with me for at least 30 mins on an evening.<br>So, he sees me in the morning when i feed him, then he gets a 30min run in the garden and then a 30 min hop in the house. It just breaks his day up and he's a very content rabbit.<br><br>I think personally that i devote a lot of my time to my little Charlie but i just love him so much that i think it's worth it! I also try to stimulate him in his hutch by leaving him little toys that hold treats, maybe some fruit skewers hung from inside his hutch etc... just little toys like that for him to use throughout the day like those sometimes help too...<br><br>That's about all that i can tell you really... i wish you and marley the best of luck! :D <br><br>greenpen
  • Jasper wrote:
    Jasper wrote:
    This could be because shes "in heat" (ready to breed) all my does get very aggressive around this time of year my arms are always scratched up and I have tons of bite marks -.- Just give her a few weeks and she should be back to normal ^.^<br><br>Rabbit does have a very strong erdge to mother, they want to have babys, xD thats why there are so many rabbits and why you will hear the quote "breeding like rabbits"<br>One of my does can't breed, but she still goes through this and will even fake a pregnancy xP <br><br>I say the best way to avoid her aggression is getting her spayed, my friend has some does who are spayed and they are the sweetest things <3<br><br>If you have and more questions PM me ;)
    <br><br>It may not be this though.. i had a 9 week old doe and she would be sweetness and light one day and the next if you put your hand in her hutch and took it out - youd be bleeding .... i ended up rehoming her because she was so aggresive
    <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">It could be bad breeding too :/ One of my does was my pick out of a litter that a friend of mine owned, then she told me they were a little inbred, she said it should not be a problem, but later on in life she developed bad habbits of pacing, weaving, bar chewing nonstop and I couldnt even hold her without assistance, untill one day I bred her, big mistake, I couldnt even water her without fear of being attacked, and when I cleaned her cage I had to wear very thick gloves. When she babys were born she took good care of them then one day about 3 weeks later, she killed them, all 5 of them. For no apparent reason. So we took her to the vet, and the vet said she was a resualt of inbreeding,.</span><br><br>Ehh prolly didnt need to get into that whole story again, it tear me appart that I had to put her down. <br>But do you have any info on her background Boz, that would help xD Like papers or the breeders, you chould ask them id their rabbits act like this ;)<br><br>But the most likally reason shes acting this was is because shes in-heat. I have two does who are usually housed together, they have ever since they were 1 month old, they moms stopped taking care of them :/ but anyway today they got into a little fight, and it was because they were both in heat and there were 3 other bucks close by them xD I moved them, but Im still watching them, I don't need anymore fights.<br><br>Does she skratch at the ground alot Boz? like throw stuff around, my does will sktatch, chin rub and throw their wood blocks all over when they are in heat ;) But they will growl too and sometimes lunge for stuff that I put in their cage with their heads down and ears flat xD This typical behavior last for about 2 weeks, sometimes longer, one of my does is always in heat, but I can't breed her yet because show season is coming up fast and shes my winner and if I breed her now her coat will get rough and choppy. She really hates me keeping her from the bucks, but tis for her own good xD<br><br>So you can either breed her, but breeding can make her quite aggresive too, they get grumpy and don't like their homes messed with or their bellys touched, but it pays off in the end, usually when a doe has a 4 weeks old litter they are as sweet as a angel.<br>But the other option is spaying, which I understand takes lots of money, but at least her aggresion will leave forever, unless the problem is bad genetics...<br><br>MuckyDuckBrendon: your rabbit sounds like she was in heat, usually their first heat can be the worse, I just leave them alone and let them eventually get over it ;)
    <br><br>Her brother is SOOOOO lovely though if it was inbreeding thered be a little agression in him even if if wasnt alot and she was 9 weeks old... how could she have her first heat at 9 weeks?<br><br>sorry i dont know much about rabbits but i know enought to have one :D
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