Jazzeh went shopping today :P<br><br>I went to the mall, and got a couple books, and a Paramore CD<br><br>Then I went to the petstore, and I got a betta fish x3 He's all rainbow-y and stuff, it's so pretty!<br><br>Predictably, I named him Edward xD.<br><br>My mom was all, "he's a male right?" and I'm all, "yup" and so she said, "then his name is Edward, right?" I was like, "yup, and if he was a girl he would have been Bella" xD<br><br>If I can take pictures, I will, but I may not be able to...<br><br>So yeah, that's how my day has been so far.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Semper Fi.