Okay well.. she hasn't been on since about November 2007. <br><br>I have her email, she wants me to give it out to her old friends that she lost contact with. So.. anyone friends with her, and would like to get back in contact?<br><br>Other names she had:<br>MondyFlax<br>Kibbles<br>MeepTheDinosaur (or something along those lines..)<br><br>And yeah.. she had a bunch of nicknames such as Kibs, Kibbykins, Mondy xD<br><br>If you want her email, please PM me.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel 
Semper Fi.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Semper Fi.
also need donations thanks
if you want to be added pm me
Semper Fi.