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Naming Contest

well my favorite brown swiss cow was due to to have twins and had them last night and well she had a girl around 7 last night and at 3 this morning a dead boy and well the girl needs a name<br><br><br>can start with any letter but the moms name is tammy and my dad would like her to have a t name but i can convince him otherwise<br><br><br>prizes<br>5k per name i like <br>20k name thats picked<br><br>names liked (see a name you posted please send neggy 5k to Berton)<br>Tara<br>Tuscany<br>Taylor<br>Tawny<br>Tayla<br><br><br>Second name not needed


  • Swiss=?<br>Tamborun<br>Time To tango
  • Alright, does it have to be a show name?? If not, here are my results/ideas... lol:<br><br>Zoe (love this name!!)<br>Keylee (I also love this name)<br>Tayla (dido... lol)<br><br>Hope you like them. :lol:
  • Tabitha....or tabby for short [Tab-ih-thah]<br>Terabithia<--ish movie ^^ [tear-ah-bith-ee-ah]<br>Ta Min<--Avatar [Tah-mihn]<br>TOPH<--AVATAR ^^ [tough] or [tah-ph]<br>Ty Lee<--AVATAR!!! :):):) [tie-lee]<br><span style="font-size:59">ish sorry :oops: </span>
  • Taken from a book of names. I selected all of the "t" feminine names. Words in parentheses are add-ons to the name, not necessary but can be added if desired. Words in italics are side-notes.<br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">American Names:</span><br>Tobaggan (Pronounced toe-bog-gon)<br>Teeter<br>Tanger<br>Taylor<br>Titmouse<br>Toucan<br>Tabitha<br>Tailspin<br>Tawney<br>Tattoo<br>Tayoh<br>Teddy<br>Thistle<br>Toto<br>Topper<br>Token<br>Twinkle(s)<br>Tinker (Belle)<br>Turret<br>Tung<br>Tari<br>Ticker<br>Tickler<br>Twilight<br>Tally<br>Trailer<br>Trio<br>Toad<br>Tough<br>Triller<br>Turtle<br>Tortoise<br>Turquoise<br>Theodora<br>Tilly<br>Tagalic<br>Tahala<br>Tahoma<br>Tallycoed<br>Tamri<br>Tamworth<br>Tankard<br>Tarella<br>Tatton<br>Telly<br>Testrarch<br>Thorndale<br>Thunderclap<br>Tiger<br>Tiny<br>Tipster<br>Tidal Wave<br>Tolla<br>Top Row<br>Torrid<br>Tremont<br>Trinket<br>Trumpet<br>Tuscany<br>Typhoon<br>Trycook<br>Tustin<br>Tambourine<br>Tangerine<br>Tornado<br>Trapper<br>Threader<br>Theede<br>Thax<br>Tuffy<br>Tembo<br>Toomai<br>Trudy<br>Timid<br>Tolok<br>Tarnish<br>Tetawish<br>Twopence<br>Tippety<br>Tycoon<br>Twinkleberry<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Alaskan Names:</span><br>Taltia <span style="font-style:italic">- the earth goddess of Celtic Mythology</span><br>Taska <br>Thal <span style="font-style:italic">- means "valley."</span><br>Tempest<br>Tryphena <span style="font-style:italic">- means "delicate."</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">German Names:</span><br>Thomasia<br>Tresa<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Irish Names:</span><br>Tandy<br>Tara<br>Tartan<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Italian Names:</span><br>Teresina <span style="font-style:italic">- means "reaps the harvest."</span><br>Tomasina<br>Traviata<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mexican Names:</span><br>Teresa <span style="font-style:italic">- means "reaper."</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Oriental Names:</span><br>Taikoo<br>Takashi <span style="font-style:italic">- means "noble."</span><br>Take <span style="font-style:italic">- means "bamboo."</span><br>Tanoshii <span style="font-style:italic">- means "happy."</span><br>Tengu <span style="font-style:italic">- name for the goblins and gnomes that haunt mountains and forests.</span><br>Tallis <span style="font-style:italic">- means "the learned, the wise."</span><br>Tang La <span style="font-style:italic">- means "sugar sweet to the very end?"</span><br>Tapo <span style="font-style:italic">- means "smashed."</span><br>Tomoni <span style="font-style:italic">- means "friendly."</span><br>Torma<br>Tsao <span style="font-style:italic">- means "early."</span><br>Tsuyoshi <span style="font-style:italic">- means "strong."</span><br>Tzu <span style="font-style:italic">- means "elder sister."</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Russian/Hungarian/Balkan Names:</span><br>Tobija <span style="font-style:italic">- means "good."</span><br>Tania<br>Tarazah<br>Tiran <span style="font-style:italic">- means "tyrant."</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Scottish Names:</span><br>Tammie<br>Thane<br>Thunder<br>Triad<br>Tevis <span style="font-style:italic">- means "quick temper."</span><br>Twig<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Welsh Names:</span><br>Tango<br>Tewdiver <span style="font-style:italic">- means "gift."</span><br>Tudor <span style="font-style:italic">- means "God's gift."</span>
  • Tilly<br>Twylah [T-Why-Lah] <br>Toppher [toe-fer]<br>Twinkle or Twinky<br>Tickled Pink<br>Treausre <br>Thumbelina (sp, I know)
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
  • Karana<br>Otam<br>Omata<br>April (inside joke)
  • Twilight <br>Tobi (Girls have that name) <br>Tanya<br>Tabitha<br>Tinkerbell<br>(If she is a handfull) Tornado.<br><br>Just a few thought...........PM me if I won anything
    If u want to be added PM me!
  • Tuloolah. <33 xD<br>Tabitha<br>Tess<br>Tara <br>Tami<br>Theresa<br>Tina<br>Tia<br>Tally<br>Twlight<br>Tari<br><br>And One without the T. Bella.
  • Tobia(I know a girl with that name)<br>Hawk<br>Red Tail<br>Robin
  • Trenity<br>Taren<br>Tessa<br>Tilly<br>Tiffany<br>Tangy<br>Tar<br>Times<br>Tank<br>Tabina<br>Tarioda<br>Tally to the Mark<br>Pip
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • :arrow: n some updates and some names i like<br><br><br>and yes some names on there multiple people posted but if you did before this post both may send a contract :)
  • Bullseye<br>Blackfoot<br>Black Hawk<br>Bandit<br>Buckster
  • Blash<br>Beatriz<br>Berenice<br>Bethany<br>Bianca<br>Blanca<br>Brenda<br>Brenna<br>Breonna<br>Bria<br>Brielle<br>Brionna<br>Brisa<br><br>Bailey Bailiff and steward Both<br>Bambi Child Girl<br>Bandele Born away from home Girl<br>Barbara Stranger Girl<br>Barbra Stranger Girl<br>Barrett Strength of a bear Both<br>Baylee Bailiff Both<br>Beatrice Bringer of joy Girl<br>Becka From the name Rebecca Girl<br>Becky Bound Girl<br>Bel Sacred wood Both<br>Bela She of fair Girl<br>Belinda Beautiful Girl<br>Bell Beautiful Both<br>Bella Beautiful Girl<br>Belle Beauty Girl<br>Belva Beautiful view Girl<br>Benecia Blessed Girl<br>Benita Good person Girl<br>Bennett Little blessed one Both<br>Bernadette Brave as a bear Girl<br>Bernadine From the name Bernard Girl<br>Bernice Brings victory Girl<br>Bess Elizabeth Girl<br>Beth From the name Elizabeth Girl<br>Bethany Life or town near Jerusalem Girl<br>Betsy Consecrated to God Girl<br>Bette Consecrated to God Girl<br>Bettina Consecrated to God Girl<br>Betty Consecrated to God Girl<br>Beverly Near the meadow of the beavers Girl<br>Biana Fair skinned Girl<br>Bianca Skinned Girl<br>Blaine The source of a river Both<br>Blair Field or plain Both<br>Blaise Stammered Both<br>Blaze A flame Both<br>Blenda Dazzling bright Girl<br>Blossom Flower like Girl<br>Bo Strong and fast Girl<br>Bobby Short for Robert Both<br>Bonita Pretty and beautiful Girl<br>Bonnie Pretty girl Girl<br>Brady Broad shoulder Both<br>Brandee Brandy and after dinner drink Girl<br>Brandi Warm and comforting Girl<br>Brandie Sweet nectar Girl<br>Brandy Warm and comforting Girl<br>Brayden Brave Both<br>Breanna Strong and Virtuous and honorable Girl<br>Bree Strong one Girl<br>Brenda Sword Girl<br>Brendy Sword Girl<br>Brenna Little raven Girl<br>Brett Briton and British Both<br>Briana Fortitude and strength Girl<br>Brianna Strength Girl<br>Bridget Strong Girl<br>Bridgit From the name Bridget Girl<br>Brie From north region of France Girl<br>Brielle Exalted Goddess Girl<br>Brigette Strong Girl<br>Brina Boundary line Girl<br>Brinda Of the basil plant Girl<br>Britany From Britain Girl<br>Britney From Great Britain Girl<br>Brittany From Britain Girl<br>Brittnee From Britain Girl<br>Brittney From Britain Girl<br>Brogan Sturdy and strong Both<br>Brook Running stream Both<br>Brooke Brook and Stream Girl<br>Brooklyn Stream Girl<br>Bryanne Strong one Girl<br>Brynn Small hill Both<br>Buffy From the name Bunny Girl<br>Bunny Little rabbit Girl<br><br>I tried to take out all the boy names. if you see any, ignore it, unless you like it xD
  • so i did nothing, typing up all those names? xD
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