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Question for Manip Makers/Banner Makers

Curious as to where you all find your images. I usually get mine from flickr..<br><br>I use the advanced search, scroll to the bottom, and click "Flickr Creative Commons" and then check off "Permission to use commercially" and "Right to build, adapt...." and stuff. So that I can use them. :P<br><br>I'm also finding more and more stock on dA so I might use them at some point.


  • I know people use some from Corbis as well ^^ There was this one other site I know of, but I can't remember it ><
  • I always have problems with corbis. xD I never type in the right thing, or get ugly pictures. :o<br><br>Morgufile, perhaps?
  • I do the same for flickr, and I also use<br><br>I don't manip, but I use pictures as references for drawing...I wouldn't want to get into a mess when someone is like 'You copied this copyrighted photo! :O' So I just use stock free. Safe. :3
    **If I win anything, please PM me.
  • I use Corbis, I've heard flickr is copyrighted.
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I use Corbis, usually I can get enough pics there. (I only use Corbis since I don't know how to get RF pics off Flickr :oops:)
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