I personally think the goodie dye prices are too high. Most people who play vp are kids anyway, so they can't afford it.<br>Don't you agree? Atleast lower it a few more dollars. It's just a silly color
Dusty if you don't like the price then don't buy them. And in fact they are going up in price soon.<br><br>Nefertete needs to pay for servers and they cost REAL MONEY! Servers help make the site run smoothly so maybe is she gets enough she can get another and make the site faster. But she does need the money for herself and payments for the site to even exist. <br><br>So I say no to lowering it.
I say no, sorry ^^; Nef has to pay around $3,000 or more, per month, to keep these games online. She needs the money, and $9 isn't hard to get, you just have to earn it.
Well, considering that Orbis doesn't have sponsors that could pay for the servers, like advertisments that could pop up and annoy us all to hell and back, I'd say that the prices are fine, even with the sponsor going up to 25 dollars.<br><br>Worth every penny!