Just as a kind of fun thing, I picked up some of the sort of qualities of the players and made a little quiz thing! just answer the quiz questions and see what you are. ( i will be trying to make banners for the categories but they might not be up for a while)<br><br>RIGHT DOWN ALL THAT APPLY!<br><br>1)You own a sponser and it is a (or if your a novice you want to buy a sponser which one would you buy first) :<br><br>A)Breeding<br>A)Rescue<br>B)Prestige<br>B)Training<br>C and D)Boarding<br><br>2)The reason you would use a Prestige is:<br><br>A)To Raise the stats of vp dogs<br>A)To Help Your dog's lines and breeds improve<br>B)A Place To hold Your Show Dogs<br>B)The Extra Events<br>C)To Meet People<br>C)The Extra kennel page<br>D) Extra room to display artwork<br><br>3) You Have an about me section on your layout:<br><br>C) Yes<br>No (don't put anything down if no)<br><br>4)You Keep an organized list of:<br><br>A)The dog's you plan to breed and your lines<br>A)The owners who buy your dogs<br>B)Your Show Dogs<br>B)The Dogs That are not fully trained yet<br>C) Your Friends (in order of how much they talk to you)<br>C) I don't keep a list<br>D)Your Banners<br>D)Your Art<br>D)The people who buy your art<br><br>5)When You are on you feel as if:<br><br>A) You got as much as you can get done for today<br>B)A lot done but I could have done better<br>B)I did real good and I either am realy close to reaching my goal or I did<br>C)Not Much But I can get to it tomorrow<br>C)Not Much but Oh well,<br>D) Pretty good I can tweak stuff later<br><br>6) Your Layout is:<br><br>A) simple to read clearly stated and expresses myself in it<br>A and

Very direct get's to the point and lists my prices quite clearly<br>B) In Mostly Dark Colors and reds<br>C)Has a picture of me or my favorite celeb on it<br>C) has glitteries and fun stuff I found on other websites<br>D) Exactly how I like it with everything I like where it is how it is<br><br>7)You Send:<br><br>A and

Business messages (about 5 a day)<br>B) I'll have to check them later No time right now! must finnish (about 1 a day)<br>C) I send so many I can't even keep track<br>C) About 20 a day<br>D) Some messages but not a ton<br><br>8) You check the bulletin board:<br><br>A and D)Every once in a while (every hour or so)<br>B) almost never (when you log in and when you log out)<br>C)I check a lot (every 20 minutes)<br>C) I constantly keep it up!<br><br>9) on the forums I spend the majority of my time:<br><br>A)in breeding Leeses, General Services, K-9' s For sale, Dogs for stud, would like to buy, auction, Training Contracts and connect (looking for trainers)<br>B)Club announcements and events, Vp olympics, Auction, Training contracts and connect (looking for jobs), General services, Tips and tricks<br>C)General discussion, prasie for the game, Virtualpups RPG, Contest and community events, Games, Vent<br>D)Artist alley, auction contest and community events, general services<br><br>10) You make the majority of your money:<br><br>A) selling Dogs<br>B)Training, slave Training<br>C) I don't make a lot of money<br>D)Selling layouts banners ect.<br><br><br><br><br>Mostly A's: Your VP Personality Type is An Improver. You are interested in improving the dogs of VP, mostly starting with a specific breed. you get angry when you see othes imbreeding and offer help to teach them to breed properly. you enjoy keeping lines cleen and are not huge on making money.<br><br>Mostly B's: Your VP Personality Type is An Achiever. You Like to set goals for your self and enjoy reaching them. You are not afraid of hard work! You enjoy the challenge. You get extreme joy after achieving a goal<br><br>Mostly C's: Your VP Personality Type Is A Talker. You Enjoy talking and interacting with others. You like having partners and making friends. People enjoy your company and talking to you and you like talking to them.<br><br>Mostly D's: Your VP Personality Type is An Artist. You love banners and the creative arts. You like to learn about them and study them. You worked hard to get where you are and constantly try to improve. You practice often.<br><br>Notice: These are not 100% accurate and just for fun!<br><br><br>I got <br><br>A: 8<br>B: 3<br>C: 2<br>D: 6<br><br>Therefore I am an Improver<br><br><br>How bout you. Post what you got!<br><br><br><br>(if this is in the wrong section please move)
