When in the chat room I have one problem, my enter button broke and I am unable to participate. I suggest that maybe a click to enter button be added to the chat room. Thanks.... Cappio
If you are on a laptop you have only one enter key, not two.<br><br>Sorry Cappio but I think that none of the wikkedwire rooms let you enter with clicking a button.<br><br>Maybe you should invest into a new keyboard. It will solve all your problem. And I don't think they are that expensive.
Thanks for the info... I am on a laptop and yes there is only one enter button. At first someone told me that since I have a wireless mouse that I should be able to click that to enter...but it won't work...works for everything else but! Yes Tarnish I agree that replacing a keyboard would solve my problem if I had a regular computer...thanks again.
You should be able to hook a differant keyboard to your laptop o.O<br>One for regular comps.My mom did that when our laptop went demented <span style="font-size:59">And it still is...</span>
New keboards for laptops work just like desktops. They plug in the same spots as you would plug in flashdrives. You would have to sit at a table though. I have used other keyboard for laptops.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.