Zerg Cerebrates are powerful agents of the Zerg Swarm, created by the Zerg Overmind for the purposes of controlling Zerg Broods. Massive versions of the original Zerg insectoids,[1] the true form of a cerebrate is revealed only after death, such a form being, at least in the case of Zasz, a ball of yellow light with extruding tentacles. <br><br>They manifest the collective consciousness of the respective broods under their command and are therefore inseparable from the Overmind itself; each one has a "piece of the Overmind" within it, each representing one or more aspects of the Overmind's intelligence. Even so, Cerebrates are independent entities and seem to have developed personalities and unique characteristics over time. <br><br>After extended service, a Cerebrate gains the right to a name, a sign of prestige.-StarCraft Wikipedia<br><br>____________________________________________________________<br><br>And so, I bring you my fanart of them!<br><br><img src="
http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/096/1/6/Cerebrate_Gorn_by_WeisseEdelweiss.png" alt="
http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/096/1/6/Cerebrate_Gorn_by_WeisseEdelweiss.png" class="bb-image" /><br>Cerebrate Gorn<br><br><img src="
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs28/f/2008/082/0/5/Cerebrate_Zasz_by_WeisseEdelweiss.png" alt="
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs28/f/2008/082/0/5/Cerebrate_Zasz_by_WeisseEdelweiss.png" class="bb-image" /><br>Cerebrate Zasz