<span style="font-size:75">Sorry everyone. >_<;<br>I know I made a post like this before but a lot of my old refs no longer play the game. =(<br><br>Can I please get a post from all my current refs?<br><br>It'd be awesome if you remembered how we did business & put that in with the post but it's definitely not required.
<br><br>Thank you all!<br>- meeee =P</span><br><br>Refs so far;<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sweetie (lol, she wanted top spot!) xD <br>Kite_Katsumi<br>Wheaton<br>Okanagan Gurl<br>MuckyDuckBrendon<br>SunnyDaysDontLie<br>kimyo</span><br><br>YAY! ...that's seven!! =D
Semper Fi.