well this is my newest story and i like it, and a few other people do to so i suppose i'll post it and see what you guys think. <br><br><span style="font-size:150">{ o.1 - i thought you loved me ]</span> <br><br><span style="font-size:75">The woman was all of twenty- one but she still acted like a child. She thought everything was handed to her, and it wasn't. That lesson, she was about to learn the hard way. But so far she hasn't just yet. <br><br>Her name was Yoshi Davenport. Her hair was dark and always perfectly styled, and her eyes a bright green. People said the color of emeralds. And when she smiled she showed off the years of braces, and whitening treatments. As a child she was spoiled, and her parents made a big mistake. Yoshi was mixed, but her skin was lighter than darker. She didn't know how to behave, and would do just about everything to get her way.<br><br>People were sick and tired of her whining, of everything. even her parents. But the most sick of all was her boyfriend Caine. Caine was beautiful, everyone agreed. Tall, and muscular with black hair and blue eyes. But he wasn't obsessed with everything. He was a bit of a ladies man, but normally he was emersed in work. He was a big shot lawyer and he put in ten hour days. Even days Yoshi wanted him. He was more concerned with his job than he was with her though. He wanted to make something of himself and so he would. But when he was busy Yoshi would call him and whine and complain until he couldn't take it anymore. She was just too clingy.<br><br><br><br>Yoshi started as her phone rang. Bzzzzzz. Or rather vibrated. She glanced down at it and the flashing screen showed the name 'Caine'. She squealed and answered the call. "Hey baby," she purred into the phone. Normally she had to call him, so this was a suprise. "Hey, angel. I was thinking about going to the Luxe Lounge for lunch. Wanna meet me?" Caine's voice came over the phone, and she smiled. She was loving this at the moment. "Of course, hun. Give me twenty minutes. Love Ya, bye," she replied happily and then clicked off the phone. She didn't even stop to think something might be up.<br><br>Twenty minutes later Caine was waiting impatiently outside the Luxe. He should have known that Yoshi would be late. She was always late. That was another thing Caine was sick of. He was done with this relationship, done with her in his life. Caine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He had to get back to the office in... He checked his watch. A half hour. So Yoshi needed to be there or he would break up with her over the phone.<br><br>Yoshi knew she was late, but she had spent fifteen minutes getting ready. She found the perfect outfit. A black slip dress, she paired it with cherry red heels. Grabbing her purse she caught a cab and was out the door. Ten minutes later she was at the Luxe with a very angry looking Caine. Opps. "I'm sorry babe," she told him, looking up into his eyes. Even though she was wearing heels he was still almost a foot taller than her.<br><br>Caine saw Yoshi and flinched. She had dressed up, for him. And he was going to dump her. But he wouldn't change his mind. Taking her hand, he led her into the lounge, and to their table. He hadn't ordered food, he hadn't thought about it. And he wasn't planning on eating. Instead a bottle of the Luxe's finest champange sat on the table. Pouring two glasses he sipped his, as she picked hers up. She took a sip, and then he began to speak. "So Yoshi. You are beautiful and fun, but I can't take anymore of you right now. I'm busy and you don't seem to get it. So I think it's time we split," he said leaning back.<br><br>Her face crumpled, and the sight almost broke his heart. But not quite. He was made of more than that. "I- I thought you loved me," she asked, tears starting to stream down her perfectly made up face. Her mascara started to run but she didn't care. Caine's face turned stony at those words. Getting up, he left silently. All Yoshi could think of was how could he do this to me?</span><br><br>also feel free to rate it [1-5] no stealing. but yopu may comment.
