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Bannah Contest! (2 milly and rising)

Mousie needs a banner for a project of hers -secretive- :3<br><br>Anywho. Not much needs to be said. The info below should be enough to get you going.<br><br>Title: Valse De La Lune<br>Sub title: the music of the night.<br>Colors: Navy's, Whites, Purples...that family<br>Feeling: <span style="font-style:italic">Whatever you want </span>o.o<br>Photo help: Nature, Wolves....something that fits.<br>Copyright allowed on banner?: Of course :3<br>End date: April 15th ...possibly extended with interest.<br><br>I try to give creative freedom, please have fun with it :D<br><br>Now then...<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Prize</span>:<br>1st: 2 milly && an import Pair+ 2 Sp. Training's. Whatever you want.<br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-style:italic">Second and third prizes may be handed out if we get enough people going. First place prize is subject to change, but only to a higher amount. </span></span><br><br><span style="font-size:67">* For those curious people, Valse De La Lune is French for Waltz of the Moon.</span>
I ish Mousie!


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