Well I was with my dad Friday and Saturday. And I had some fun on Saturday.<br><br>We went out to eat for breakfast (at 1pm) and then we set out to my dad's house. He just bought a house and he is knocking down walls and redoing everything. <br><br>So in the bathroom he let me and my sister grab a sledgehammer and knock tiles out and everything. It was quite fun to hit stuff with a hammer and break things
:P . I also picked off some tile and slammed it against the floor so it shattered.
<br><br>Then he stopped at this bank and parked far away from the door and I asked him why he parked here. He told me to get out and switch sides.<br><br>Turned out that he was going to teach me how to drive a stick. I don't have my temps (I get them in May) so it was fun to get behind the wheel for the first time.<br><br>No I didn't crash or anything. I did make the car stall though twice, I think. I only got up to the second gear. It was fun and I scared my little sister because she was in the back seat. She was holding on to on of those handles above the door. :roll: I'm not that bad of a driver. lol.<br><br>So that was my eventful day!